Bio-based materials and products
15.0 ECTS creditsThe course treats manufacturing processes, refinement, product properties, and product applications in different areas.
The course covers the following:
- Refinement of paper and cardboard products, including conversion.
- Optical, physical, and mechanical properties of paper products.
- Production and properties of cellulose-based materials such as nanofibrillar cellulose, microcrystalline cellulose, cellulose derivatives, and viscose.
- Biobased packaging materials and packaging.
- Biobased plastic materials.
- Material and energy recycling and comparison between biobased and non-biobased materials
The course covers the following:
- Refinement of paper and cardboard products, including conversion.
- Optical, physical, and mechanical properties of paper products.
- Production and properties of cellulose-based materials such as nanofibrillar cellulose, microcrystalline cellulose, cellulose derivatives, and viscose.
- Biobased packaging materials and packaging.
- Biobased plastic materials.
- Material and energy recycling and comparison between biobased and non-biobased materials
Progressive specialisation:
A1F (has second‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Master's level
Admission requirements
150 ECTS credits completed in a Master programme in Engineering, including Forest Bioeconomy - Processes, Energy and Products, 15 ECTS credits, and registered for Pulp and Paper Technology, 15 ECTS credits, plus upper secondary level Swedish 3 or Swedish as a second language 3 and English 6, or equivalent
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (studied during year 4)