Intensive Care in Theory and Practice II
9.0 ECTS creditsThe course integrates Nursing (4 ECTS cr) and Medical Science (5 ECTS cr).
Instruction is in the form of lectures, a clinical placement (VFU), and seminars. Students study individually and attend on-campus meetings. The course is partly net-based and various information and communication techniques are used. Students' independence is emphasised during the clinical placement. Attendance at the clinical placement is mandatory.
During the clinical placement, students develop their professional skills and approach to the role of the intensive care nurse as a nurse leader, which includes:
In-depth understanding of patients' dignity, integrity, and autonomy. Prioritising and coordinating care interventions for patients with complex conditions, based on a person-centred approach and together with other professional groups, including the care of terminal patients. Students also apply their pedagogical knowledge independently in the meetings with patients with complex conditions, next-of-kin, and other professional groups. Independent assessment of the need for medical treatment, providing medical treatment, as well as handling medico-technical equipment.
The patient-related leadership of the intensive care nurse in the intra- and inter-professional team is problematised. Students reflect on quality and patient safety work and study it in scientific literature in terms of its impact on intensive care from the perspective of sustainability. Contingency plans and organisation in cases of disasters and trauma are studied.
Instruction is in the form of lectures, a clinical placement (VFU), and seminars. Students study individually and attend on-campus meetings. The course is partly net-based and various information and communication techniques are used. Students' independence is emphasised during the clinical placement. Attendance at the clinical placement is mandatory.
During the clinical placement, students develop their professional skills and approach to the role of the intensive care nurse as a nurse leader, which includes:
In-depth understanding of patients' dignity, integrity, and autonomy. Prioritising and coordinating care interventions for patients with complex conditions, based on a person-centred approach and together with other professional groups, including the care of terminal patients. Students also apply their pedagogical knowledge independently in the meetings with patients with complex conditions, next-of-kin, and other professional groups. Independent assessment of the need for medical treatment, providing medical treatment, as well as handling medico-technical equipment.
The patient-related leadership of the intensive care nurse in the intra- and inter-professional team is problematised. Students reflect on quality and patient safety work and study it in scientific literature in terms of its impact on intensive care from the perspective of sustainability. Contingency plans and organisation in cases of disasters and trauma are studied.
Progressive specialisation:
A1F (has second‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Master's level
Admission requirements
Admission to the Specialist Nursing programme with a specialisation in intensive care, a completed clinical placement in the course Intensive Care in Theory and Practice I, 9 ECTS credits, and upper secondary level Swedish 3 or Swedish as a second language 3, and English 6 or A, or equivalent
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.