History II
30.0 ECTS creditsThe course comprises three modules.
Module 1 Thematic elective
Students study a demarcated area in the field of history from a thematic perspective or as an introduction to essay writing. The aim is to acquire in-depth knowledge of a specific time period, a social process, or a historical problem area, and to start investigating the importance of different theoretical perspectives.
Module 2 Historical workshop and independent essay
The focus is on introducing the historical research process in practice by completing an independent B-level essay (7.5 ECTS cr), using appropriate methodological resources and relevant subject knowledge in accordance with the formal requirements of scholarship in history. The module also covers how primary sources can be used to highlight different types of cultural heritage from the perspective of local history.
Module 3: The global nationalism
The module deals with different theories of nationalism related to the emergence of the national state, the intellectual content of nationalism, identity issues, gender, and the role of these aspects in state building and dissolution. Attention is given to the problem of nation building in countries with a colonial background and the xenpophobic expressions during the 20th century. Besides political and cultural factors, the role of basic economic and social factors in the context of nation-building and nationalism is treated. The module includes an extensive micro teaching sequence based on a historiographic perspective.
Module 1 Thematic elective
Students study a demarcated area in the field of history from a thematic perspective or as an introduction to essay writing. The aim is to acquire in-depth knowledge of a specific time period, a social process, or a historical problem area, and to start investigating the importance of different theoretical perspectives.
Module 2 Historical workshop and independent essay
The focus is on introducing the historical research process in practice by completing an independent B-level essay (7.5 ECTS cr), using appropriate methodological resources and relevant subject knowledge in accordance with the formal requirements of scholarship in history. The module also covers how primary sources can be used to highlight different types of cultural heritage from the perspective of local history.
Module 3: The global nationalism
The module deals with different theories of nationalism related to the emergence of the national state, the intellectual content of nationalism, identity issues, gender, and the role of these aspects in state building and dissolution. Attention is given to the problem of nation building in countries with a colonial background and the xenpophobic expressions during the 20th century. Besides political and cultural factors, the role of basic economic and social factors in the context of nation-building and nationalism is treated. The module includes an extensive micro teaching sequence based on a historiographic perspective.
Progressive specialisation:
G1F (has less than 60 credits in first‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Undergraduate level
Admission requirements
HIGA01 History I, 30 ECTS credits, with at least 13.5 ECTS credits completed, or equivalent
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Culture, Policy and Management Programme (studied during year 2)