History I
30.0 ECTS creditsForms of instruction
Instruction is based on three forms of studying, namely joint lectures, problem-based study groups for enhancing the subject perspective, and finally, recurring seminars for reporting and discussing the work done in the study groups.
Module 1. Building Civilisations, 6 ECTS cr
The module provides an overview of the birth of humankind from the cradle to the present time. Starting with the early civiisations, issues of origin, development and decline are discussed. The perspective applied to world history is global historical and the theme is sustainable development.
Module 2: The Long Middle Ages, 7.5 ECTS cr
The period from the Roman empire to the Reformation and the Renaissance is covered in a comparative global perspective. A starting-point is the formation of Europe in the transition from the fuedal state to commercial capitalism and the emergence of an alternative perception of the world based on Antiquity and Christianity. The importance of the journeys of discovery to the creation of closer networks between the earth's cultural areas is emphasised. The module also deals with Swedish history in relation to the European and global development.
3. State and Capital, 7.5 ECTS cr.
The module deals with the increasing global influence of the Western world from the 16th century to the early 20th century and the effects of colonialism and industrialisation on world development. Changes in types of regime, the emergence of ideologically-based movements and growing conflicts between various Western colonial systems are treated as a background to the 20th century world-wide wars and conflicts. Special attention is paid to the Swedish development.
4. The Age of Extremes, 9 ECTS cr.
The period from World War I till the present day is covered in a global as well as a Swedish perspective. The study is based on binaries such as war/peace, poor/rich, dictatorship/democracy, market economy/plan economy, nationalism/internationalism, local/global, family/individual, work/leisure.
Instruction is based on three forms of studying, namely joint lectures, problem-based study groups for enhancing the subject perspective, and finally, recurring seminars for reporting and discussing the work done in the study groups.
Module 1. Building Civilisations, 6 ECTS cr
The module provides an overview of the birth of humankind from the cradle to the present time. Starting with the early civiisations, issues of origin, development and decline are discussed. The perspective applied to world history is global historical and the theme is sustainable development.
Module 2: The Long Middle Ages, 7.5 ECTS cr
The period from the Roman empire to the Reformation and the Renaissance is covered in a comparative global perspective. A starting-point is the formation of Europe in the transition from the fuedal state to commercial capitalism and the emergence of an alternative perception of the world based on Antiquity and Christianity. The importance of the journeys of discovery to the creation of closer networks between the earth's cultural areas is emphasised. The module also deals with Swedish history in relation to the European and global development.
3. State and Capital, 7.5 ECTS cr.
The module deals with the increasing global influence of the Western world from the 16th century to the early 20th century and the effects of colonialism and industrialisation on world development. Changes in types of regime, the emergence of ideologically-based movements and growing conflicts between various Western colonial systems are treated as a background to the 20th century world-wide wars and conflicts. Special attention is paid to the Swedish development.
4. The Age of Extremes, 9 ECTS cr.
The period from World War I till the present day is covered in a global as well as a Swedish perspective. The study is based on binaries such as war/peace, poor/rich, dictatorship/democracy, market economy/plan economy, nationalism/internationalism, local/global, family/individual, work/leisure.
Progressive specialisation:
G1N (has only upper‐secondary level entry requirements)
Education level:
Undergraduate level
Admission requirements
General admission requirements and upper secondary level History A and Social studies A, or equivalent. Field-specific eligibility 1, see www.kau.se/omradesbehorighet.
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Culture, Policy and Management Programme (studied during year 2)