Quantum field theory
7.5 ECTS creditsThe course covers the following:
- Motivation and foundations; fields and particles
- The basics of representation theory: spinor representations, spin-statistics
- Renormalisation and gauge invariance: examples from quantum electrodynamics, effective field theory
- Symmetry and broken symmetry: effective potential, non-abelian gauge theory, the Anderson-Higgs mechanism
- Standard model: quantisation of Yang-Mills theory, lattice gauge theory
- Topological quantum field theory: Chern-Simons theory
A group project based on these topics is included.
- Motivation and foundations; fields and particles
- The basics of representation theory: spinor representations, spin-statistics
- Renormalisation and gauge invariance: examples from quantum electrodynamics, effective field theory
- Symmetry and broken symmetry: effective potential, non-abelian gauge theory, the Anderson-Higgs mechanism
- Standard model: quantisation of Yang-Mills theory, lattice gauge theory
- Topological quantum field theory: Chern-Simons theory
A group project based on these topics is included.
Progressive specialisation:
A1F (has second‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Master's level
Admission requirements
90 ECTS credits in Physics, including Quantum Physics I, 7.5 ECTS credits and Analytic Mechanics, 7.5 ECTS credits, plus 45 ECTS credits in Mathematics, including Linear Algebra, 7.5 ECTS credits, Calculus and Geometry, 7.5 ECTS credits, and Calculus in Several Variables, 7.5 ECTS credits, and registered for Symmetry - Mathematical Structures and Applications, 7.5 ECTS credits, plus upper secondary level English 6, or equivalent
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Master of Science in Engineering Physics (studied during year 4)
- Master's Programme in Physics - Theoretical physics (studied during year 1)