Business Administration: Bachelor's Thesis
15.0 ECTS creditsThe degree project entails planning and completing relevant investigations, analysing the result, and presenting conclusions. The written thesis is the product of collaboration between two students. Students are expected to participate in seminars and supervision sessions and to defend their thesis at a final seminar. They are also required to critically review and discuss the work of other students.
Supervision is only offered to students while the course is in progress. Students who fail to complete the project satisfactorily during this time may re-register at the next course opportunity. They will then be offered additional supervision to the extent made possible by available resources.
Supervision is only offered to students while the course is in progress. Students who fail to complete the project satisfactorily during this time may re-register at the next course opportunity. They will then be offered additional supervision to the extent made possible by available resources.
Progressive specialisation:
G2E (has at least 60 credits in first‐cycle course/s as entry requirements, contains degree project for Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science)
Education level:
Undergraduate level
Admission requirements
60 ECTS credits in Business Administration, including at least 30 ECTS credits at the G1F level or higher, including Business Research Methods (FEGB31), 7.5 ECTS credits, and Business English I (ENGA1E), 7.5 ECTS credits.
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Bachelor Programme in Business Administration: Global Sustainable Business (studied during year 3)
- International Business (studied during year 3)