Electrical Machines
7.5 ECTS creditsInstruction is in the form of lectures, exercises, and mandatory laboratory sessions.
Magnetic circuits: important properties in non-linear magnetic materials, calculations of magnetic circuits, magnetising losses, and magnetising current.
Transformers: step down and step up transformers, law of induction, transformer theorem, idling, load, voltage drop, equivalent scheme, loss, efficiency, structure, materials, coiling, cooling, three-phase connection, rated current data in switching, transformer testing, short circuit impedance, winding connector, parallel connection of three-phase transformers.
Direct current machines: construction, theory, separate-, shunt-, and series magnetisation, armature reaction, commutation, loss, efficiency, start, brake, speed rotation control.
Asynchronous machines: construction, theory, short circuit- and slip-ring machine, loss, efficiency, start, brake, speed rotation control, single phase operation, generator operation.
Synchronous machines: construction, theory, generator and machine operation, over- and under-magnetising, start, phase synchronisation, loss, efficiency.
Magnetic circuits: important properties in non-linear magnetic materials, calculations of magnetic circuits, magnetising losses, and magnetising current.
Transformers: step down and step up transformers, law of induction, transformer theorem, idling, load, voltage drop, equivalent scheme, loss, efficiency, structure, materials, coiling, cooling, three-phase connection, rated current data in switching, transformer testing, short circuit impedance, winding connector, parallel connection of three-phase transformers.
Direct current machines: construction, theory, separate-, shunt-, and series magnetisation, armature reaction, commutation, loss, efficiency, start, brake, speed rotation control.
Asynchronous machines: construction, theory, short circuit- and slip-ring machine, loss, efficiency, start, brake, speed rotation control, single phase operation, generator operation.
Synchronous machines: construction, theory, generator and machine operation, over- and under-magnetising, start, phase synchronisation, loss, efficiency.
Progressive specialisation:
G1F (has less than 60 credits in first‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Undergraduate level
Admission requirements
Registered for 7.5 ECTS credits of Bachelor or Master programme courses in Electrical Technology or Circuit Analysis, and 7.5 ECTS credits of Bachelor or Master programme courses in Electrical Engineering, Physics, or Engineering Physics, or equivalent
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Electrical Engineering (studied during year 2)