To lead professional development in subject specific education 1
7.5 ECTS creditsThe relationship between research and proven experience is treated in the course in relation to the analysis and development of subject-specific teaching. Swedish and international research on collegial work in the area of educational development is discussed and examined, and practical workshops are conducted to support the realisation of theory-based subject-specific school development projects.
Progressive specialisation:
A1F (has second‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Master's level
Admission requirements
A degree in Education (at least 180 ECTS credits) and the courses Subject-specific school development: Introductory course, 7.5 ECTS credits, and Subject-specific specialisation 1: Specialisation in subject-specific education, 7.5 ECTS credits, plus upper secondary level Swedish 3 or Swedish as a second language 3, or equivalent
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
Course code:
The course is not included in the course offerings for the next period.