Chemical Engineering
7.5 ECTS creditsThe course comprises the following:
Course component 1:
Outline of chemical engineering branches and how an industrial process is designed.
Introduction to the most common chemical processes: oil refining, production of syngas, processes of bulk and fine chemicals, production of polymers, and biomass refinement.
Course component 2:
Introduction to sustainable development in industry, cycle and system thinking.
Course component 3:
Safety lectures and safety tests. Laboratory procedures, common laboratory equipment, and safety analysis. Practical laboratory work. Written and oral reports.
Course component 1:
Outline of chemical engineering branches and how an industrial process is designed.
Introduction to the most common chemical processes: oil refining, production of syngas, processes of bulk and fine chemicals, production of polymers, and biomass refinement.
Course component 2:
Introduction to sustainable development in industry, cycle and system thinking.
Course component 3:
Safety lectures and safety tests. Laboratory procedures, common laboratory equipment, and safety analysis. Practical laboratory work. Written and oral reports.
Progressive specialisation:
G1N (has only upper‐secondary level entry requirements)
Education level:
Undergraduate level
Admission requirements
General admission requirements and upper secondary level Mathematics 4/Mathematics E, Physics 2, and Chemistry 1
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
Course code:
The course is not included in the course offerings for the next period.