Scientific Literacy for Teaching 3
30.0 ECTS creditsThe course comprises five modules:
Module 1: Basic Physics Concepts, 4.5 ECTS cr
Students are introduced to basic physical concepts through laboratory sessions and group study. They plan and conduct physical experiments.
The module includes:
- studying basic physical concepts used to explain phenomena and solving problems encountered in daily life, in the laboratory and in groups.
- Identifying pupils' everday perceptions related to power, heat and temperature, energy transfer and problematising the teaching tradition in these areas.
- planning and conducting physical experiments and learning how laboratory components can be used to develop pupils' physics literacy with a view to creating curiosity and interest.
- planning and conducting investigations to seek answers to their own formulated questions in the areas.
Module 2: Introductory Chemistry, 7.5 ECTS cr
The module describes the development and application of different theoretical and explanatory models of the atom and molecule.
- the Periodical system and its background, periods, groups and electron configuration, the Pauli principle, the Hund's rule, the Aufbau principle, trends in the periodic system.
- chemical bonding, Lewis structures (including resonance structures and formal charge, ionic bonding, covalent bonding, hybridisation, electron division, LCAO-MO.
- empirical formula, formula unit, dipol moment, crystalline structure
- Lewis structures, determining geometry based on electron groups, bonding electron groups, free radicals, determining type of intermolecular forces between molecules on the basis of molecular geometry and any dipol moment. Van der Waal's forces, solubility.
- safety lecture and safety test. How to work in a chemical laboratory and the most common equipment used.
- studying instructions and performing risk analysis before a laboratory activity and conducting laboratory work and reporting the result according to instruction and within a given time limit.
- discussing teaching methodological issues such as student problems in understanding chemical concepts. On the basis of steering documents and curricula the relation between chemistry as a science discipline and the school subject natural science is problematised.
- rules and regulations in education for laboratory activities are treated and risk analyses performed.
Module 3 The Universe, 7.5 ECTS cr
The course includes lectures, films, interactive computer use of astronomy software and observations of stars through the telescope.
- the formation and structure of the solar system with a focus on the circumstances of our solar system.
- the formation, evolution and final stage of stars
- what a black hole is and the black holes assumed to exist.
- the structure of galaxies
- the large-scale structure and evolution of the universe as well as speculations on the creation and future destiny of the universe.
Module 4a. Practical Placement 1, 7.5 ECTS cr
Students have the opportunity to
- meet different groups of staff, for example, teaching teams, student welfare personnel and school management, and participate in everyday activites,
- apply central regulations and guidelines and local pedagogical planning with consideration of equality and equity perspectives,
- apply subject-specific teaching theories and transform relevant subject knowledge into teaching and reflect on the relation between theory and practice,
- discuss and reflect on the profession and professional development,
- describe special education and student welfare efforts in school,
- acquire knowledge of legislation pertaining to confidentiality and obligation to notify irregularities,
- develop skills in communicating with different staff categories and pupils.
Module 4b. Practical Placement 2, 7.5 ECTS cr
Students engage in the following activites:
-using IT in school
-interpreting and implementing national curricula and local pedagogical planning
-applying pedagogical and subject-specific teaching theories and transforming subject knowledge into teaching material with consideration of pupils' different knowledge and interests
-considering the special education perspective
-practising their communicative skills in cooperation with different staff groups and pupils in school
-applying central regulations and guidelines and local pedagogical planning with consideration of equality and equity perspectives,
-comparing laws and local guidelines regarding discrimination and harrassment
-assessing pupils' knowledge development and social situation at school and discussing how to communicate such matters.
Module 5 Environmental Physics, 3 ECTS cr
- basic concepts in the area of energy with a focus on earth's radiation balance in the solar energy flow
- using applications such as solar cells, heat pumps, heat exchanger, bio fuel and water and wind power in the laboratory
- energy for sustainable development and aspects of energy extraction and the relation bwetween human beings, energy and the environment.
Module 1: Basic Physics Concepts, 4.5 ECTS cr
Students are introduced to basic physical concepts through laboratory sessions and group study. They plan and conduct physical experiments.
The module includes:
- studying basic physical concepts used to explain phenomena and solving problems encountered in daily life, in the laboratory and in groups.
- Identifying pupils' everday perceptions related to power, heat and temperature, energy transfer and problematising the teaching tradition in these areas.
- planning and conducting physical experiments and learning how laboratory components can be used to develop pupils' physics literacy with a view to creating curiosity and interest.
- planning and conducting investigations to seek answers to their own formulated questions in the areas.
Module 2: Introductory Chemistry, 7.5 ECTS cr
The module describes the development and application of different theoretical and explanatory models of the atom and molecule.
- the Periodical system and its background, periods, groups and electron configuration, the Pauli principle, the Hund's rule, the Aufbau principle, trends in the periodic system.
- chemical bonding, Lewis structures (including resonance structures and formal charge, ionic bonding, covalent bonding, hybridisation, electron division, LCAO-MO.
- empirical formula, formula unit, dipol moment, crystalline structure
- Lewis structures, determining geometry based on electron groups, bonding electron groups, free radicals, determining type of intermolecular forces between molecules on the basis of molecular geometry and any dipol moment. Van der Waal's forces, solubility.
- safety lecture and safety test. How to work in a chemical laboratory and the most common equipment used.
- studying instructions and performing risk analysis before a laboratory activity and conducting laboratory work and reporting the result according to instruction and within a given time limit.
- discussing teaching methodological issues such as student problems in understanding chemical concepts. On the basis of steering documents and curricula the relation between chemistry as a science discipline and the school subject natural science is problematised.
- rules and regulations in education for laboratory activities are treated and risk analyses performed.
Module 3 The Universe, 7.5 ECTS cr
The course includes lectures, films, interactive computer use of astronomy software and observations of stars through the telescope.
- the formation and structure of the solar system with a focus on the circumstances of our solar system.
- the formation, evolution and final stage of stars
- what a black hole is and the black holes assumed to exist.
- the structure of galaxies
- the large-scale structure and evolution of the universe as well as speculations on the creation and future destiny of the universe.
Module 4a. Practical Placement 1, 7.5 ECTS cr
Students have the opportunity to
- meet different groups of staff, for example, teaching teams, student welfare personnel and school management, and participate in everyday activites,
- apply central regulations and guidelines and local pedagogical planning with consideration of equality and equity perspectives,
- apply subject-specific teaching theories and transform relevant subject knowledge into teaching and reflect on the relation between theory and practice,
- discuss and reflect on the profession and professional development,
- describe special education and student welfare efforts in school,
- acquire knowledge of legislation pertaining to confidentiality and obligation to notify irregularities,
- develop skills in communicating with different staff categories and pupils.
Module 4b. Practical Placement 2, 7.5 ECTS cr
Students engage in the following activites:
-using IT in school
-interpreting and implementing national curricula and local pedagogical planning
-applying pedagogical and subject-specific teaching theories and transforming subject knowledge into teaching material with consideration of pupils' different knowledge and interests
-considering the special education perspective
-practising their communicative skills in cooperation with different staff groups and pupils in school
-applying central regulations and guidelines and local pedagogical planning with consideration of equality and equity perspectives,
-comparing laws and local guidelines regarding discrimination and harrassment
-assessing pupils' knowledge development and social situation at school and discussing how to communicate such matters.
Module 5 Environmental Physics, 3 ECTS cr
- basic concepts in the area of energy with a focus on earth's radiation balance in the solar energy flow
- using applications such as solar cells, heat pumps, heat exchanger, bio fuel and water and wind power in the laboratory
- energy for sustainable development and aspects of energy extraction and the relation bwetween human beings, energy and the environment.
Progressive specialisation:
G1F (has less than 60 credits in first‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Undergraduate level
Admission requirements
BIGLN1 completed and at least 7.5 ECTS credits completed for BIGLN2
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Secondary Education Programme: Upper Secondary Education Programme: Science (studied during year 2)