PhD student projects
- Servitization and business models development with focus on small and medium-sized companies. Andrey Abadzhiev
- Digital transformation in the music industry and in low-income countries. Muhammad Murtaza Ali
- Behavior change and digitalisation within health care. Jonas Hjalmar Blom
- Consumer and service design perspectives on the circular economy. Olle Bäcklund
- Stakeholder participation in value co-creation with the focus on service innovation.
Sebastian Dehling
- Retail Reimagined: Exploring the Phygital Age in Customer Experience. Amie Gustafsson
- Entrepreneurial processes in so-called "start-up studios" and "venture builders". John-Erik Hassel
- Innovation management, and more specifically on the front end of innovation activities. Jana Huck
- From Data to Value - Building Structures for Data Driven Value (Co-)Creation Practices. Filip Högberg
- The potential of life events to reduce car use - A psychological perspective. Henrik Johansson Rehn
- Psychological Perspectives on Organizational Change. Lasse Magnell
- Digital behavioral intervention for enhancing physical activity in older adults. Anna Nilstomt
- Digitalized solutions for future wellbeing. Sture Nöjd
- Sustainable development in everyday life. Anne-Charlotte Paas
- Innovation and Organizational Change Management – Identifying challenges when implementing new technologies in B2B. Pritam Padhi
- The value of local food. Elena Palani
- The Unsustainable Predicament: Uncovering the Systemic Mechanisms Generating Unsustainability from a Organizational View. Kristin Svärd