AGAIN: Återbruk i handeln
Reuse and other circular solutions are becoming increasingly common in retail today to create more sustainable consumption. To promote this transition, more knowledge is needed on how companies can create better conditions and customer experiences around the sale of reused products. This is the focus of a new research project at the Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University.

In the new project, researchers will study the experiences of reuse customers in connection with purchases and how aspects such as marketing, pricing, product information, and the design of sales channels affect the experience and willingness to buy reused products.
Reuse has existed for a long time, but now more and more actors who previously only focused on new production are also choosing to invest in the sale of reused products.
For increased reuse sales, more knowledge is needed about what makes customers make sustainable choices and, in the long run, be able to meet an increased demand for reused products. The question is how this should be implemented in practice, and the researchers hope to find answers to this.
In the project, researchers will investigate how reuse can become a natural choice, how companies can increase their sales and create better customer experiences related to reuse, as well as gain more knowledge and understanding of how reused products can be priced, marketed, and sold in different market channels.
The research is conducted through interviews, observations, and field experiments involving customers, retailers, and other key actors in the industry. An important goal of the project is to develop concrete advice and tips that can be used within the industry to promote the circular transition.
The research project “AGAIN: Återbruk i handeln” is funded by Handelsrådet for two years with a budget of just over 1.9 million. The project is led by researcher Jenny Karlsson (CTF and Karlstad Business School at Karlstad University). The project group also includes researchers Lars Witell (CTF), Klas Hedvall (Stiftelsen Chalmers Industriteknik), and Jessica Edlom (Geomedia at Karlstad University)."