CNDS/EGU Summer School on Natural Hazards in the Anthropocene
This international one-week course gathers PhD students in Earth-, Engineering- and Social sciences for an introduction to the dynamics and impacts of natural hazards (e.g., floods, droughts, wildfires and earthquakes) as well as disaster man- agement and social vulnerability under the umbrella of Disas- ter Risk Reduction (DRR). Through lectures, seminars, and group assignments, the course will explore DRR through the disaster management cycle (mitigation, preparation, response and re- covery), looking at the interplay between natural hazards and societal impacts and responses.
This year’s summer school will bring in aspects concerning hu- manitarian actions, particularly actions to reduce hazard im- pacts on populations vulnerable to climate-related hazards. Among other things, we will discuss the intersections between DRR, disaster management and humanitarian interventions throughout the entire disaster management cycle.