Survival of the fittest – Software and Evolution
2017-05-22Jörg Lenhard, a postdoctoral research fellow in computer science, participated in the lecture series “Möt en forksare”. He talked about one of the meeting points between the fields of software engineering and biology: software evolution.
During his lecture Jörg Lenhard described how and why software engineering researchers apply the term evolution and related biological concepts and what researchers hope to gain this way. Furthermore, Jörg highlighted what the software engineering research group at KAU is trying to find in their research on the maintenance and evolution of long-living software systems.
About “Möt en forskare”
This series is organized by the university library and provides researchers from KAU with an opportunity to present their work to a wider audience. Möt en forskare is open for everyone: students, employees and the general public. The intention of the lecture series is to give a chance to see what sort of research is done at KAU.