Research project presented to local network
2017-05-05The Embedded-nätverket Värmland/Dalsland arranged a network seminar where Sebastian Herold, researcher in Computer Science at Karlstad University, presented the project REVaMP2 (Round-trip Engineering and Variability Management Platform and Process).
REVaMP2 is a European collaboration with more than twenty partners from academia and industry. The purpose of the project is to create a tool chain for managing variability in complex software systems and for supporting the migration to software product lines. In his presentation at the Embedded-Nätverket, Sebastian talked about the project and the Computer Science department's contributions to it.
"Many companies developing embedded systems have different variants of their products, supporting features in one variant that are missing or modified in another. The software in these systems needs to support this high variability - and developing and maintaining such software efficiently is a huge challenge. REVaMP2 aims at creating tools that enable software providers to systematically manage the variability in their systems and to evolve them."
The participants during the meeting also got to listen to Björn Eriksson, software developer at BTG and Per-Anders Lindblad, expert consultant at Altran who shared experiences from building, maintaining and delivering a customized Linux distribution with support by Yocto.
Yocto is an open source based collaboration project that provides templates, tools and methods for creating custom Linux-based systems for embedded products regardless of the hardware architecture.
Embedded-nätverket Värmland/Dalsland is an initiative open for everyone in Värmland and Dalsland, who is involved in developing embedded systems and want to share professional experience
“The idea is to arrange two or three seminars annually with the purpose of generally widen the competence within embedded systems in the region” says Christoffer Markusson from Altran and one of the network coordinators. “The seminars usually contains 2-4 lectures given by network members and specifically invited speakers.”