Research for future digital welfare services
2017-11-28New digital services are rapidly introduced into our daily lives, and at the same time, new possibilities are developing in data and communication technologies. In Värmland, the new DigitalWell project will create an environment for innovation in which researchers, industry and the public sector collaborate to create new digital welfare services.
The project DigitalWell Research has now commenced at Karlstad University. The project will provide research in computer science, nursing and service development to industry and the public sector, which in turn are developing services focused on user needs.
“The investment in DigitalWell is very important for Värmland. This is an opportunity to use our shared resources and identified specialisations to establish expertise in the region,” says Stefan Alfredsson, researcher in Computer Science at Karlstad University and project manager of DigitalWell Research. “For us at Karlstad University this is a good opportunity to foster new partnerships, both internally, over disciplinary boundaries, and externally, as well as to make sure that our research reaches the community and industry.”
Focus on education, healthcare and nursing
Services connected to education, healthcare and nursing are prioritised in the project. At Karlstad University, the disciplines Computer Science, Mathematics, Nursing and the Service Research Center are involved.
Computer Science and Mathematics will contribute research related to service quality in 5G, security and privacy in IT-based systems used in healthcare and nursing, and provide support for developing prototypes of software-based services, digitalisation and enhanced quality of pedagogical aids in schools.
CTF will contribute research in organisation development through user involvement (co-creation), behavioural change and self-service.
Nursing research done as part of the project will focus on person-centred care.
Part of the Academy for Smart Specialisation
DigitalWell Research is co-funded by Region Värmland and totals around SEK 11 million. The project will initially stretch over 16 months, starting from the 1st of September 2017.
The project forms part of the Academy for Smart Specialisation – a partnership between Region Värmland and Karlstad University. The Academy for Smart Specialisation invests in the six areas identified in Värmland’s Research and Innovation Strategy. DigitalWell Research is connected to the Digitalisation of Welfare Services specialisation and also forms part of the Value-Creating Services specialisation.