Professor awarded for her work in the fields of privacy and security
2016-07-26Simone Fischer Hübner, professor in Computer Science at Karlstad university has received the ”William Winsborough Memorial Award” for her work in the field of privacy and security on the internet. The award was instituted in 2012 in honour of Professor William Winsborough for his research and its impact in the area of Computational Trust and Trust Management.
The award pays tribute to an individual, not a group or organisation, whose work has significantly contributed to the development of Computational Trust and Trust Management. Simone Fischer Hübner was honoured for her engagement in the field of Trust Management and security. The citation also includes her contributions to the IFIPTM conference, to workshops and to the work group IFIP 11.11, as well as her original and significant and thought-provoking research and mentorship to young researchers in the field.
- The award is an honour and I'm very grateful, says Simone Fischer Hübner. The fine cooperation in our Computer Science research group at Karlstad University has a great part in this award and I'm very happy that our efforts have been recognised in this way.
William Winsborough Memorial Award
William Winsborough Memorial Award was instituted and is annually presented by the work group WG 11.11 of IFIP, International Federation for Information Processing. Simone Fischer Hübner is the fifth to receive the award, which she did at a ceremony at Darmstadt Technological University on the concluding day of the conference IFIPTM 2016, Friday 22 July.
IFIPTM 2016 is an international conference on trust management, organised for the tenth time by the WG 11.11 of IFIP. This year's conference was arranged in connection with the Darmstad’s Security and Privacy week 18-22 July. The aim of the conference was to share research solutions and find new, future research areas in the field of Trust and Trust Management.
IFIP is an international umbrella organisation for national associations in the field of information management. The organisation was established in 1960 under the auspices UNESCO, as a result of the first World Computer Congress in Paris, 1959. Dataföreningen is the Swedish association representing Sweden in IFIP.
IFIP links more than 3 500 international researchers from both academia and industry, organised in 101 work groups which report to 13 technical committees.
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