Computer Science seeks four new doctoral students
2019-05-10Computer Science at Karlstad University is now recruiting four new doctoral students. Three of the projects are focused on the development of digital healthcare services and one on reinforcing the department’s work on cloud services.
DigitalWell Arena is a large investment in the development of digital healthcare services. The project, which is still in its initial phase, is now recruiting three doctoral students who will contribute research on 5G communications solutions, data privacy and integrity in the healthcare sector as well as software quality in healthcare systems.
“Digitalisation is a way of meeting the challenges we face in the healthcare sector. We are happy to be able to expand our research in this area and contribute expertise to the public and private sectors as well as the academy,” says Stefan Alfredsson, coordinator of Computer Science’s contributions to the project.
The fourth position will involve research on cloud services. This doctoral project will investigate the mechanisms that arise when computational capacity is located at the outskirts of networks and will suggest algorithms to facilitate seamless, real-time data processing.
Application deadline: 23 May.
Read more about the positions:
• PhD position in Computer Science, communication solutions for 5G
• PhD position in Computer Science, information security and privacy
• PhD position in Computer Science, software quality in healthcare systems
• PhD position in Computer Science, Edge Computing