The 1st 6G-PATH Open Call is now live: Karlstad University makes available its testbed for Infrastructure Extensions
2024-10-16Karlstad University is calling on tech innovators to participate in the 1st Open Call of the 6G-PATH EU project. This initiative offers a unique opportunity for startups, and research institutions to develop and test next-generation Beyond-5G (B5G) and 6G technologies.
The Open Call features a track for “Infrastructure Extensions”, targeting entities that want to integrate enhanced technologies in one of the 6G-PATH infrastructures. Up to ten proposals will be granted, with a maximum budget of € 60,000 over a duration of six months. The deadline for submitting a proposal is November 21, 2024, but an initial Feasibility Check should be submitted by November 6.
Karlstad University is home to one of the 6G-PATH testbeds, i.e., the world-class Communication Advanced Research Laboratory Wireless Testbed (CARL-W) available at our Department of Computer Science. CARL-W is managed by our Department in collaboration with Telia and Ericsson. Among other, CARL-W provides a powerful infrastructure with various radio communication networks, including 4G, WiFi, Starlink, and 5G. CARL-W is equipped for accommodating a range of end-user devices and container solutions such as Kubernetes and Docker.
How can innovators benefit from this Open Call?
“The participants of this Open Call have the opportunity to integrate their enhanced technologies and solutions in CARL-W, thus enabling new exciting collaborations that will contribute to cutting-edge reseach in the 6G global ecosystem”, says Anna Brunstrom, Professor in Computer Science and Head of the team within the Distributed Intelligent Systems and Communications (DISCO) group involved in 6G-PATH.
To find out more about how to apply, eligibility criteria, key deadlines, and more techicnal details, visit the 6G-PATH website
Or you can get in contact with the DISCO team:
Anna Brunstrom