Here we list publications in English by CRS researchers.

De Goêr De Herve, M. (2023) Strategies to manage disaster risk - Evaluating their contributions to sustainable development. pp.103-125. In the book: Lindkvist, I. K., Bastøe, P. Ø., Forss, K., (2023) Towards Sustainable Futures - The Role of Evaluation. New York, Routledge:
Padden, M. (2023). The transformation of surveillance in the digitalisation discourse of the OECD: a brief genealogy. Internet Policy Review, 12(3).
Lindqvist, L. (2023). "Hashtag Re-Appropriation, Voices of Reason, and Strategic Silences: ‘Soft’ Feminist Resistance Practices on Swedish Social Media". Janus Unbound: Journal of Critical Studies, vol. III, no. I (Winter 2023), pp. 105-122.
Svensson, E., A, Dahlström, M., Amundsen, R.H. & Kjønsberg (2023) Reproducing bicultural heritage landscapes through alternative and retro-innovative food production, in Landscape Research,
Nordfeldt, M. and Dahlström, M. (2023) Civil society in local sustainable transformation – can bottom-up activities meet top-down expectations?, in Journal of Civil Society
Conservation or Development? Challenging the Heritagization of Shielings in Transitional Times, for Climate Mitigation and (Post-)Pandemic Development. Eva Svensson, Sigrún Dögg Eddudóttir, Ingela Kåreskog, Annie Johansson och Maria Sundqvist. Heritage & Society, publ 6 juli 2023.
de Goër de Herve, M., Schinko, T., & Handmer, J. (2023). Risk justice: Boosting the contribution of risk management to sustainable development. Risk Analysis, 1–15.
Martin, H., Grundel, I. & Dahlström, M. (2023): Reconsidering actor roles in regional innovation systems: transformative industrial change in the forest-based bioeconomy, Regional Studies,
Chlebna C, Martin H and Mattes J (2022) Grasping transformative regional development – Exploring intersections between industrial paths and sustainability transitions. Environment and Planning A, published online ahead of print 8 November 2022.
Bhowmik, A. K., Padmanaban, R., Cabral, P., & Romeiras, M. M. (2022). Global Mangrove Deforestation and Its Interacting Social-Ecological Drivers: A Systematic Review and Synthesis. Sustainability, 14(8).
Morales, D. and Dahlström, M. (2022) Smart specialization and participatory processes in green path renewal. Analysis of the forest-based bioeconomy in sparsely populated regions in the Nordics, European Planning Studies,
Morales, D. (2022). Spaces of the forest-based bioeconomy in Finnish Lapland and Catalonia: practitioners, narratives and forgotten spatialities. Fennia - International Journal of Geography, 199(2), 174–187.
Grundel, I., Christenson, N. and Dahlström, M. (2022) Identifying interests and values in forest areas through collaborative processes and landscape resource analysis, Forest Policy and Economics, 142, 102801, 1-10,
Göransson, Per (2022) Mapping the geography of choirs in Sweden. Approaching Religion (12) 1: 77-97.
Hoppstadius, Fredrik & Åkerlund, Ulrika (2022) A sustainable everyday life for Swedish counterurbanising families. Sustainability 14(9).
de Goër de Herve, M. (2021) Fair strategies to tackle unfair risks? Justice considerations within flood risk management, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, In Press. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102745
Albrecht, M., Grundel, I. and Morales, D. (2021) Regional bioeconomies: public finance and sustainable policy narratives, in Geografiska Annaler: Series B Human Geography
Andersson, I. & Grundel, I. (2021). Regional Policy Mobilities: Shaping and Reshaping Bioeconomy Policies in Värmland and Västerbotten, Sweden. Geoforum, Vol. 121, 142-151.
Eddudóttir, S.D., Svensson, E., Nilsson, S. et al. (2021). The history of settlement and agrarian land use in a boreal forest in Värmland, Sweden, new evidence from pollen analysis. Veget Hist Archaeobot.
Morales, Diana & Sariego-Kluge, Laura (2021). Regional state innovation in peripheral regions: enabling Lapland’s green policies, in Regional Studies, Regional Science, Vol 8, No 1.
Svensson, E. (2021). Gender and the home. Archaeological perspectives. I: French, K. L. (red). A cultural history of the home in the medieval age. London & New York: Bloomsbury Academic, s. 117-137.
Hansson, M., Nilsson, P. & Svensson, E. (2020). Invisible and Ignored: The Archaeology of Nineteenth-Century Subalterns in Sweden. International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 24, 1-24.
Martin, Hanna (2020). The scope of regional innovation policy to realize transformative change – A case study of the chemicals industry in western Sweden. European Planning Studies.
Svensson, E., Hansson, M & Nilsson, P. (2020). ‘As far below as you can come’? Historical archaeology on vulnerability and marginalization of life at the bottom of the social ladder, Post-Medieval Archaeology, 54:2, 165-185.
Sørensen, M. J. (2020). Resisting the rat race: Self-sufficiency as a search for resonance in rural Sweden. Sociologisk Forskning, 57(2), 121–140.
Hansson, M., Nilsson, P. & Svensson, E. (2019). Invisible and Ignored: The Archaeology of Nineteenth-Century Subalterns in Sweden. International Journal of Historical Archaeology.
Hoppstadius, F. (2019). Tourists' reflections on sustainability in a biosphere reserve landscape. International Journal of Tourism Research, Vol 21, No 4, 560-573.
Hoppstadius, F., & Möller, C. (2018). ‘You have to try being a role model’ – learning for sustainability among tourism entrepreneurs. European Journal of Tourism Research, 20, pp. 20-45.
Hoppstadius, F., & Sandell, K. (2018) Tourism as Exploration and Demonstration of Which Sustainable Development? – The Case of a Biosphere Reserve. TOURISM – An Interdisciplinary International Journal, Vol. 66 No. 2, pp. 161-171.
Molema, Marijn., Reeploeg, Silke., Åberg, Martin. & Van der Zwet, Arno (2017). Report on the Inaugural Workshop of the RSA Research Network on Regional Economy and Policy History. Regions Magzine, vol 307 (1), pp. 29-30.
Wiksell, Kristin (2017). ’Campaigning for cooperatives as resistance to neoliberal capitalism’ in Journal of Political Power.
Grundel, Ida & Dahlström, Margareta (2016). A Quadruple and Quintuple Helix Approach to Regional Innovation Systems in the Transformation to a Forestry-Based Bioeconomy, Journal of the Knowledge Economy.
Hoppstadius, Fredrik & Dahlström, Margareta (2015). Processes of sustainable development: ecotourism in biosphere reserves, In Journal of Environmental and Tourism Analyses. Vol. 3 No. 1, pp 5-25.
Bhowmik, A. K., McCaffrey, M., Ruskey, A., Frischmann, C., & Gaffney, O. (2020). Powers of 10: Seeking “sweet spots” for rapid climate and sustainability actions between individual and global scales. Environmental Research Letters.
Loken, B., DeClerck, F., Bhowmik, A., (2020). Diets for a Better Future: Rebooting and Reimagining Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems in the G20. EAT Forum, Oslo.
Stjernberg, M., Oliveira e Costa. S., Sigurjónsdóttir, H.R. & Tunström, M. (2020). Overcoming barriers to social inclusion in Nordic cities through policy and planning, Nordregio Report 2020:9.
TWI2050 - The World in 2050, (2020). Innovations for Sustainability. Pathways to an efficient and post-pandemic future. Report prepared by The World in 2050 initiative. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria.
Tunström, M. (ed) (2020). Building affordable homes: Challenges and solutions in the Nordic Region, Nordregio Report 2020:2.
Tunström, M. & Löfving, L. (2020). The right to access the city: Nordic urban planning from a disability perspective, Nordregio Report 2020:11.
Mobjörk, Malin; Berglund, Camilla; Granberg, Mikael; Johansson, Magnus; Dahlström, Margareta; Moen, Jon; Nyberg, Lars; Evers, Marielle. (2019). Facilitating Doctoral Education in Cross-disciplinary Milieus: Experiences from PhD-candidates. Centrum för klimat och säkerhet. Rapport 2019:3. Karlstads universitet.