Try ebsco ebooks - Academic Collection
2014-09-04During September, October and November 2014 the library has a trial period of Ebsco Academic Collection with 130 000 multidisciplinary eBook titles. The titles can be found in OneSearch or directly on ebsco ebooks.
Ebsco eBooks
The books are mulit-user licensed and most of them can be downloaded using Adobe Digital Editions or Bluefire Reader.
Some of the publishers are: Oxford University Press, MIT Press, State University of New York Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, McGill-Queen's University Press, Harvard University Press and many others. Additional academic publishers include Elsevier Ltd.; Ashgate Publishing Ltd; Taylor & Francis Ltd; Sage Publications, Ltd. and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Searching eBooks (film från ebsco, 3.29 min)