Anders Olsson, Honorary Doctor at the Faculty of Health, Science and Technology
Anders Olsson grew up in Zakrisdal in Karlstad. His parents were teachers and his father spent a lot of time on inventions and art. His dad’s inventiveness has been a big influence on Anders Olsson in his career, in terms of searching for solutions and finding new opportunities.

While in secondary school, Anders Olsson was inspired by a teacher who was passionate about environmental issues and the problems connected to the greenhouse effect. This has influenced what issues he has chosen to focus on in his professional career, meaning that despite studying chemical engineering at Älvkullegymnasiet, his interests lay more in sustainability and environmental issues. After having completed military service, he started a project together with several actors, such as Karlstads miljövårdsgrupp and Folkuniversitetet, which revolved around flowing energy and sustainable, renewable energy in Värmland.
"The exhibition “Flödande energi” (flowing energy) in Värmland focused on how Värmland could become self-sufficient in terms of renewable energy. In the meantime, I applied to various universities. In the end I chose the teacher programme in mathematics and physics in Karlstad in order to be able to complete the project on flowing energy in Värmland."
After graduating, Anders Olsson landed a job at Mariebergsskolan in Karlstad. Being a teacher in mathematics, physics and geography, and later on also computer science, biology and chemistry, he has a multi-layered and broad education. His great passion for environmental issues, which he has nurtured since he was a compulsory school pupil, led him back to working with environmental and sustainability issues.
"When I, in 1996, was offered to lead a big project on energy efficiency in Värmland, the choice was an easy one. It was a department at Nutek, now called the Swedish Energy Agency, which chose to focus all their programmes and tools related to energy efficiency on one region – Värmland – in order to determine the effects. Following that, I have worked on environmental and sustainability issues on behalf of the county, first at the County Administrative Board and then at the County Council in Värmland. Since sustainable development includes all kinds of aspects related to a region’s well-being, it felt natural to me to take on the role as the County Council’s representative when the precursor to what today is called “Värmlandsstrategin” was to be created."
“Värmlandsstrategin” is the county’s regional strategy, and especially the parts concerning renewal, innovation and research are very close to Anders Olsson’s heart. In order ensure that the strategy is based on a scientific foundation, as well as to create a framework for research related to challenges, priority areas and objectives, the Academy for Smart Specialisation has been created as a result of the collaboration between Region Värmland and Karlstad University. This collaboration is also meant to contribute to Karlstad University’s Strategy and Vision 2030. Anders Olsson predicts a bright future for both the public and the private sectors in the county.
"I hope and I choose to believe that they will remain strong and will be more innovative, gender equal and digitalised in a human-friendly way. I consider my honorary doctorate to also be a recognition to my colleagues at the department for sustainable regional development at Region Värmland, the politicians in the board, all my colleagues at the various clusters, at the testbeds, at the municipalities and, of course, all the researchers at Karlstad University who devote their careers to this collaboration."
Anders Olsson shares his interest in gardening with his wife, and in his spare time he likes to exercise by riding his mountain bike. He also enjoys spending time with his family at their leisure home in Fryksdalen, which has been in their family since 1650. It is a special place to Anders Olsson, which connects him even more strongly and deeply to Värmland.