Logo and press images
Karlstad University’s logo is an emblem for the university and functions as a sender. The logo helps the public to recognise the university and it must be used in accordance with the guidelines below.

The logo must be reproduced clearly and must be given ample space; it should be surrounded by blank space corresponding to at least half the radius of the logo.
The logo may not be distorted or cropped. Details from the logo may not be reproduced separately. The logo must have a minimum diameter of 10 mm when it is reproduced. On an A4 sheet, the recommended diameter is c. 35 mm.
Only Swedish text is used in the logo itself. If needed, add the correct caption: Karlstads universitet or Karlstad University.
The logo may only be used when Karlstad University is the sender (e.g. on invitations and brochures), when Karlstad University is the organiser (e.g. a lecture series) or by universities with permission through agreement. Our students may also use the logo on assignments, essays, etc. If you are unsure if/how the logo may be used, contact the Communications Office at 054-700 10 00.
Download the logo
Download the logo in the format of your choice below. Please note that you need software that can handle vector art for the EPS file.
Press images
Press images are available in Karlstad University’s newsroom. If you need other material, contact the Communications Office at 054-700 10 00.