Academic Celebration
Karlstad University arrange an academic celebration in the autumn of every year. The celebration includes doctoral and honorary doctorate conferment ceremonies, the installation of new professors, and presentation of medals and scholarships.
Karlstad University was inaugurated on 22 January 1999. As a young university, we wish to preserve a long-standing academic tradition of ceremonies dating back to the Middle Ages, while commemorating our own history and identity. We have therefore chosen to design our academic celebration to reflect our culture as well as maintain the link to the national and international university tradition.
Save the date for Academic Celebration 2022
Friday October 14 2022
Ordering of the Academic Insignia 2021
Doctoral ring
The gold doctor’s ring signifies that the wearer of the ring has ‘entered into marriage’ with science. Only those who had their doctor’s degrees conferred at Karlstad University are allowed to wear this ring. Unfortunately, the price for gold has risen sharply in 2020/2021.
Ring in red gold:
SEK 8 813, including VAT
Ring in white gold:
SEK 9 813, including VAT
Additional postage costs are payable.
Submit your order to
Please note that your ring measurement needs to be included in the order. Consult your local goldsmith. Specify whether you wish to have a ring in red or white gold. The ring will be delivered to your home address, COD. Your name and date of conferral
are engraved in the ring, i.e. 2020-10-09. You are welcome to contact Sporrong on 08-446 54 50 if you have questions.
Please place your ring order by 27 September.
Laurel Wreath
During the ceremony, laurel wreaths are conferred on new doctors, as most of our doctors are doctors of philosophy.
We need your head size measure to order an appropriate wreath. If you use a measuring tape, place the lower edge of the tape at the upper edge of your eyebrows and measure horizontally round the head.
Laurel wreaths are ordered and measurements provided when you register for the Academic Celebration. The link will be activated once the official invitations have been sent out in June.
Doctoral hat
New doctors at Karlstad University can order a doctor’s hat via our supplier ‘Hattmakarna’ in Gothenburg.
Visit and select ‘Karlstads universitet’ under hattar, doktorshattar for more information. Direct link: larosaten/karlstads-universitet
Professional measure can be taken at the companies that the hat supplier refers to on its website. These companies are, however, limited to the big cities.
If you are unable to get professional measurements taken, please contact the hat supplier for further instructions.
N.B. Revised date!
Please place your hat order by 27 August.
The new doctor’s hat should not be worn until after the ceremony, during the procession out of the Aula Magna. You can place your hat in the hat box or on the floor under your seat during the ceremony. Please note that it is not obligatory to buy a doctoral hat.
Academic Script
Each new doctor is presented in the Academic Script with a black and white photograph, thesis title and date of public defence. You may take your own photograph with high resolution and a neutral background, but we recommend that you turn to
a photographer for an ID-type photo when you sign up in the form for the acacemic celebration!
For questions don't hesitate to contact Master of Ceremonies, Maria Kull: 054-700 22 88 or 070-385 95 00,
Photo Album 2019
Order photos from the Ceremony 2019
See film from the Ceremony 2019