Kalender och seminarieprogram
Seminarier 2024. Programmet fylls på efterhand.

Hösten 2024
14 november. Seminarieserie om antropocen, del 1: When it begins and what is to blame. In this seminar, we explore different proposed starting points of the Anthropocene. Does it begin with industrialization, colonization, or even when humans learned to use fire? This exploration also invites us to discuss different names for the era and further questions — Capitalocene, Plasticene, Technocene, Pyrocene, Necrocene, Mythocene; what do we gain and what do we lose with the different terms? By discussing different starting points, we also touch upon how these different Anthropocene stories attribute blame to different phenomena in our history and address the question of whether all humankind is equally to blame.
Text: Bergthaller, H., & Horn, E. (2019). The Anthropocene: Key Issues for the Humanities. Chapter 2: Definitions (p. 19–34) Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429439735
Tid och sal: kl. 13.00 – 15.00, 3b 513.
21 november. Seminarieserie om antropocen, del 2: What the future holds and why we should bother. In this seminar, we explore if, and if so, how, the concept remains relevant within the social sciences, despite the recent decision to not declare the Anthropocene an official geological epoch. Why should we keep using the concept? How does it help us describe what is currently happening or imagine what is to become of the planet? Can it help us cope with the consequences of humans' overwhelming impact on the Earth? Offering tentative answers to these questions is also a way to look at how certain assumptions within social sciences are challenged by the Anthropocene, or in other words, to confront ourselves as social scientists: the stories we tell, the heuristics we use, and the reasons we carry out our work.
Text: Lövbrand, E., Beck, S., Chilvers, J., Forsyth, T., Hedrén, J., Hulme, M., ... & Vasileiadou, E. (2015). Who speaks for the future of Earth? How critical social science can extend the conversation on the Anthropocene. Global Environmental Change, 32, 211–218. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2015.03.012
17 December. ROSE-dag. 13.00-16, sal 1B 306 (Fryxell). Under denna dag presenterar forskningsmiljön ROSE pågående och framtida forskning. Vår mångårige gästprofessor Brian Hudson avtackas. Ett detaljerat program kommer!