Historik Disputationer i Psykologi
Psykologiämnet vid Karlstads universitet blev forskarutbildningsämne under hösten 2005 och i och med årsskiftet 2006 påbörjades formellt forskarutbildningsprogrammet med två doktorander. Sedan dess har verksamheten tagit rejäl fart och psykologiämnet är nu bland de största forskarutbildningsämnena vid Karlstads universitet. Sedan starten har flera disputationer genomförts, nämligen:

- Sven-Åke Bood. Disputerade 071005 på avhandlingen “Bending and Mending the Neurosignature. Frameworks of influence by flotation-REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique) upon well-being in patients with stress related ailments”.
- Lars Helldin. Disputerade 090605 på avhandlingen “The importance of Remission in the Treatment of Patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Syndromes. Clinical Long-term Investigation of Psychosis in Sweden.
- Fredrik Hjärthag. Disputerade 110610 på avhandlingen ""Screening Family Burden in Clinical Practice. The development of a new instrument and investigation of its correlates to psychotic disorders".
- Lars Eriksson. Disputerade 110915 på avhandlingen "Car Users' Switching to Public Transport for the Work Commute ".
- Bo Ivarsson. Disputerade 111014 på avhandlingen "Tools for outcome-informed management of mental illness: Psychometric properties of client instruments of the Swedish clinical multicenter Quality Star cohort.
- Tore Pedersen. Disputerade 111209 på avhandlingen "Affective forecasting and travel mode choice"
- Hanna Edebol. Disputerade 121214 på avhandlingen "Global Assessment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder -Examining Objective Measures of Hyperactivity, Impulsivity and Inattention in Adults”
- Maria Fors Brandebo. Disputerade 151002 på avhandlingen "Military Leaders and Trust"
- Charlotte Bäccman. Disputerade 151113 på avhandlingen "Mind over matter. Non-cognitive assessments for the selection of the Swedish voluntary soldier of peace"
- Nina Svensson. Disputerade 160519 på avhandlingen "Do you dare to think outside the box? Impacts of alcohol, negative affect and evaluation apprehension on inhibition of creative performance"
- Pernille K Andersson. Disputerade 161209 på avhandlingen ”Changing the servicescape, the influence of music, self-disclosure and eye gaze on service encounter experience and approach-avoidance behavior”
- Tobias Otterbring. Disputerade 170421 på avhandlingen "A shaken self on shopping: consumer threats and compensatory consumption"
- Malin Anclair. Disputerade 170613 på avhandlingen "Fears, Stress and Burnout in Parents of Children with Chronic Conditions - Treatment with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness"
- Jessica Westman. Disputerade 171208 på avhandlingen "Drivers of Children's Travel Satisfaction"
- Kristoffer Jonsson. Disputerade 180214 på avhandlingen "Flotation-REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique) in the age of anxiety: Exploring the role and treatment applications of sensory isolation in the modern world"
- Christophe Soussan. Disputerade 180216 på avhandlingen "Novel Psychoactive Substances - Experienced effects, attitudes, and motivations among online drug community users"
- Johan Österberg. Disputerade 180316 på avhandlingen "We want you as our new recruit - Prerequisites for recruitment and retention to the Swedish Armed Forces".
- Susanne Hede. Disputerade 181116 på avhandlingen "Crisis management: Psychological challenges for leaders".
- Katrin Lättman. Disputerade 181218 på avhandlingen "Perceived Accessibility - Living a satisfactory life with help of the transport system".
- Anna-Karin Olsson. Disputerade 190222 på avhandlingen "Functional capacity as a predictor of everyday functioning in patients with schizophrenia".
- Elizabeth Ekman, Disputerade 190524 på avhandlingen “Strengths and weaknesses of the Cognitive Profiles of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder from a Cognitive Behavioral Perspective - Treatment, understanding, and prevention of comorbidity”
- Johan Högberg, Disputerade 191022 på avhandlingen "Gameful experiences: The not so painful road to gainful behavior"
- Ulrik Terp, Disputerade 191213 på avhandlingen "Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management Training för Nursing Students".
- Marcus Börjesson, Disputerade 20201211 på avhandlingen "The psychology of risk and safety in the military: a balancing act"
- Helena Draxler, Disputerade 220916 på avhandlingen "Initial transfer of Project Support from the US to Sweden: Feasibility and clinical aspects as viewed by counsellors and parents"
- Frida Skarin, Disputerade 230512 på avhandlingen ” Positive change for wellbeing – Maintained intervention-induced behaviors and healthier lifestyles”
- Madeleine Johansson, Disputerade 230609 på avhandlingen “Longitudinellt perspektiv på symtomatisk remission vid schizofreni”
- Siri Jakobsson Støre, Disputerade 240112 på avhandlingen ”Lean, mean sleep machine? Effects and experiences of a sleep robot intervention for adults with insomnia”.