Program VT 2018
The schedule is continually updated and subject to change. Seminar materials are normally distributed via the KuFo and ISLI mailing lists. Anyone not reached by these lists should feel free to contact us.
Thu 11/1, 9.15-15, 12A 522: KuFo. Workshop, RJ project applications. Application drafts can be found in the KuFo Box folder.
Tue 16/1, 13.15-15, 12B 545: English linguistics. Pia Sundqvist and Erica Sandlund present a book section on assessment (accepted for publication in 2018), "Doing versus assessing interactional competence."
Fri 16/2, 13.15-15, 12B545: English linguistics. Peter Wikström presents a VR postdoc application draft on "Political correctness" in social media discourse.
Thu 22/2, time TBA, Minerva: KuFo. Workshop. The focus is on VR postdoc and project applications but other texts are also welcome. Texts should be sent to Maria no later than 13/2.
Tue 13/3, 13.15-15, Minerva: PhD seminar. Text by Kari Løvaas, discussant Alexander Kofod-Jensen.
Fri 16/3, 10.15-12, 12B 545: English linguistics. Sebastian Malinowski presents part of his PhD research.
Wed 18/4, 13.15–15, 3A 340: KuFo/CSL. Seminar with Atle Skaftun (University of Stavanger) and Per Arne Michelsen (Høgskulen på Vestlandet), who will talk about their book Litteraturdidaktikk. (2017, Cappelen Damm Akademisk).
Thu 19/4, 9.00–17.00, 3A 340: KuFo. Work-in-progress workshop. Send texts to Maria no later than 10/4.
Tue 24/4, 13.15-15, Minerva: KuFo PhD/ECR seminar. A seminar on application procedures for grants and external funding aimed at doctoral students and early career researchers.
Tue 24/4, 15.00-16.30, Minerva: KuFo Pieter van der Heede, PhD candidate at the Department of History at Erasmus University Rotterdam, will give a guest seminar. Engaging violent wartime pasts through play? Exploring the limits and possibilities of digital game design to stimulate meaningful reflection on the Holocaust.
Wed 25/4, 18.00, Värmlands museum: KuFo public event. Helene Blomquist gives a public lecture on Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflycht at Värmlands museum as part of the "We have a dream" exhibit.
Tue 8/5, 13.15-15, Minerva: PhD seminar. Text by Alexander Kofod-Jensen, discussant Kari Løvaas.
Wed 9/5. 10.15-12, 3A340: Final seminar / mock viva. Djamila Fatheddine defends her doctoral dissertation-in-progress. Opponent Magnus Persson, Malmö University.
Tue 15/5, 13.15-15, Minerva: PhD seminar. Text by Tim Roberts, discussant Sebastian Malinowski.
Fri 18/5, 10.15-12, 12B 545: English linguistics. Andrea Schalley presents ongoing research.
Tue 29/5, 13.15-15, Minerva: PhD seminar. Text by Sebastian Malinowski, discussant Tim Roberts.
Fri 1/6, 13.15-15, 12B 545: English linguistics. Tim Roberts presents part of his PhD research.
Tue 12/6, 14.15–17, 3A 340: 70% seminar. Kari Løvaas defends a 70% complete draft of her PhD thesis. The opponent is Christer Ekholm, University of Gothenburg.
18-20 June. KuFo. Selma Lagerlöf 2018 conference, organized by Sofia Wijkmark and Kristian Petrov. Details here.
Tue 25/9, 13.15-15, Room TBA: PhD seminar. Text by Fredrik Svensson, discussant Tim Roberts.
Wed 17/10, Time and room TBA: KuFo invites researchers to the workshop: Satire as perspective on the contemporary. Contact: Karin Aspenberg and Margareta Wallin Wictorin.
Tue 30/10, 14.15–16, Room TBA: KuFo. Ola Sigurdsson, University of Gothenburg visits KuFo to present his work on humour (in Swedish): "När är det roligt? Om humor, subjektivitet och transcendens."
Mon 12/11, Time and place TBA: KuFo/Geomedia: Philip Auslander gives a talk at Geomedia in advance of the Popular Music Discourses conference.
13–14 Nov: KuFo mini-conference: Popular Music Discourses: Authenticity and Mediatization. More information to come.
Tue 13/11, 13.15–15, Room TBA: PhD seminar. Text by Tim Roberts, discussant Sophia Liu Fei.
Tue 27/11, 13.15–15, Room TBA: PhD seminar. Text by Sophia Liu Fei, discussant Fredrik Svensson.
Tue 4/12, 13.15–15, Room TBA: PhD seminar. Text by Sebastian Malinowski, discussant Alexander Kofod-Jensen.
Tue 11/12, 13.15–15, Room TBA: PhD seminar. Text by Alexander Kofod-Jensen, discussant Sebastian Malinowski.
Fri 21/12, 13.15–15, Geijersalen: Thesis defense. Djamila Fatheddine defends her doctoral thesis. Opponent, Professor Eva Hultin, Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningsstudier, Uppsala universitet.