Bus from Stockholm Arlanda to Karlstad: Please reserve your ticket here
Flights to Karlstad Airport
The airport offer regular flights to Stockholm Arlanda:
To and from the airport
It is recommended to pre-book your ground transport to and from Karlstad city centre.
- Airport taxis:
Taxi to Karlstad city centre is around 360 SEK.
Book on phone: +46 8 120 920 00.
- Airport shuttle:
The county´s public transport authority, Värmlandstrafik, operates an on-demand shuttle between Karlstad city and Karlstad airport. The journey which often operates by taxi cars, can be booked at the travel service, Resetjänsten: + 46 771 323 200
Train to Karlstad
The train station is situated in the city centre. It is easy to go by train from Stockholm, Gothenburg or Oslo. Please look at the operators home page, SJ, for a time table.
More information on Visit Karlstad