Key Topic Group
Teacher’s knowledge and classroom management in a technological environment

During this year’s conference we together will establish a new key topic group: "Teacher’s knowledge and classroom management in a technological environment". The main aim of a Key Topic is to call teachers and researchers together for collaboration on common projects.
Interactive learning environments like GeoGebra, Wolfram Alpha and augmented reality applications are finding their way into the students’ personal learning devices, be they laptops, tablets or smartphones. These new tools imply new modes of collaboration, teaching and learning. During the conference you will get opportunity to build a foundation on those tools and understand the importance of technological knowledge. It is clear that teachers need to develop new skills about how to use these new tools in a pedagogically effective way, thus we ask you to join Key Topic group and explore this together.
The key topic group will primarily study and summarize the use of good educational practices using ICT tools like tablets, virtual classrooms etc in mathematics education. The intention is to initiate the collaboration at this conference by forming a group and together elaborate on classroom management of teaching resources. This collaboration will be extended with follow up meeting in Lithuania/Latvia (March 2016) and a plenary talk at the 7thNordic GeoGebra Conference in Norway (fall 2016).
The chair of this Key topic is Rokas Tamošiūnas, Kazimieras Simonavičius University, Lithuania. Keep in mind that by attending key topic group you risk to become a member of yearlong teacher/researcher collaboration! If you have any questions or suggestions for the Key Topic group, please send a mail to