
Refereed journal articles
- Trichler J., Svensson P.O., Williams H. and Wikström F. 2022. Citizens as an innovation source in sustainable transistions – linking the directionality of innovations with the locus of the problem in transformative innovation policy. Public Management Review, DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2022.2062041
- Korbelyiova L., Malefors C. Lalander C., Wikström F. and Eriksson M. 2020. Paper vs leaf: Carbon footprint of single-use plates made from renewable materials. Sustainable Production and Consumption, Vol 25, 77-90.
- Wiliams H., Lindström A., Trischler J., Wikström F. and Rowe Z. 2020. Avoiding food becoming waste in households – The role of packaging in consumers’ practices across different food categories. Journal of Cleaner Production Vol 265, 121775.
Fredrik Wikström, Helén Williams, Jakob Trischler and Zane Rowe. 2019. The Importance of Packaging Functions for Food Waste of Different Products in Households. Sustainability 2019, 11, 2641; doi:10.3390/su11092641
Helén Williams, Fredrik Wikström, Katarina Wetter-Edman and Per Kristensson. 2018. Decisions on Recycling or Waste: How Packaging Functions Affect the Fate of Used Packaging in Selected Swedish Households. Sustainability 2018, 10, 4794; doi:10.3390/su10124794
Katrin Molina-Besch, Fredrik Wikström and Helén Williams. 2018. The environmental impact of packaging in food supply chains—does life cycle assessment of food provide the full picture? The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,
Fredrik Wikström, Karli Verghese, Rafael Auras, Annika Olsson, Helén Williams, Renee Wever, Kaisa Grönman, Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen, Hanne Møller, Risto Soukka. 2018. Packaging Strategies that Save Food – A Research Agenda for 2030. Journal of Industrial Ecology,
Wikström Fredrik, Williams Helén, Govindarajan Venkatesh. 2016. The influence of packaging attributes on recycling and food waste behaviour - an environmental comparison of two packaging alternatives. Journal of cleaner production, 137: 895-902
Lindh Helena, Williams Helén, Olsson Annika, Wikström Fredrik. 2016. Elucidating the indirect contributions of packaging to sustainable development – Through a terminology of packaging functions and features. Packaging Technology and Science 2016, 29:225-246. DOI: 10.1002/pts.2197
- Lindh Helena, Olsson Annika, Williams Helén. 2016. Consumer perceptions of food packaging - Contributing to or counteracting environmentally sustainable development? Packaging Technology and Science 2016; 29: 3–23
- Verghese Karli, Lewis Helén, Lockrey Simon, Williams Helén. 2015. Packaging's role in minimising food loss and waste across the supply chain. Packaging Technology and Science, 2015; 28: 603–620
- Wikström Fredrik, Williams Helén, Verghese Karli, Clune Stephen. 2014. The influence of packaging attributes on consumer behaviour in food-packaging LCA studies – a neglected topic. Journal of Cleaner Production 73: 100-108.
- Williams Helén, Fredrik Wikström, Otterbring Tobias, Löfgren Martin, Gustafsson Anders. Reasons for household food waste with special attention to packaging. Journal of Cleaner production 2012, 24:141-148
- Williams Helén, Wikström Fredrik. Environmental Impact of Packaging and Food Losses in a Life Cycle Perspective: A Comparative Analysis of Five Food Items. Journal of Cleaner production 2011, 19(1): 43-48
- Wikström Fredrik, Williams Helén. Potential environmental gains from reducing food losses through development of new packaging –a life cycle model. Packaging Technology and Science, 2010; 23: 403–411
- Williams Helén, Wikström Fredrik, Löfgren Martin. A life cycle perspective on environmental effects of customer focused packaging development. Journal of Cleaner production 2008; 16(7): 853-859
Other publications
- Verghese K, Lockrey S, Williams H. 2014. Districts, Lifestyles and Avoiding Food Waste. Prepared for Banyule City Council. Version 6.o. Report RMIT University July 11 2014.
- Verghese K, Lewis H, Lockrey S, Williams H. 2013. The role of packaging in minimizing food waste in the supply chain of the future. Report. RMIT University. June 26 2013.
- Williams Helén. “Food packaging for Sustainable Development”. Dissertation in Environmental and energy system. Karlstad University Studies 2011:27. Karlstad University. Sweden. ISBN 978-91-7063-360-7.
- Olsson A, Nilsson F, Hellström D och Wikström F. 2011. Bra förpackning skyddar och säljer i hållbart system. Miljöforskning, januari 2011. Formas. Stockholm.
- Wikström F, Williams, H. 2010.“Less packaging less waste? Book chapters in the Recycling for industry. Record Media Production AB. ISBN 978-91-976962-3-4.
- Wikström F, och Karlsson M. 2004. Hållbar utveckling i skogslandskapet - med energi i fokus. I: Inte bara träd, Carlssons Bokförlag, Stockholm. ISBN 91 7203 599 4. (In Swedish)
Conference Papers and Posters
- Auras R, Clune S, Grönman K, Kvalvåg Pettersen M, Møller H, Olsson A, Risto SoukkaR,VergheseK,WeverR,WikströmF,WilliamsH. Packagingsavesfood;a research agenda to combat food waste. 28th IAPRI World Symposium on Packaging. Lausanne, Switzerland. 9-12 May 2017.
- Williams H, Wikström F, Lindström A, Wickholm K, Lorentzon A. Investigation of consumer attitudes, practices and food waste for three food items, to use as input in new packaging designs that aim to reduce food waste. 28th IAPRI World Symposium on Packaging. Lausanne, Switzerland. 9-12 May 2017.Williams H. Packaging – from environmental villain to hero. The Sweden seminar at Tokyo Pack, Tokyo, Japan. 6 October 2016.
- Wickholm K, Williams H, Lindström A, Lorentzon A, Wikström F. 2016. Innovative packaging for reduction of food waste from producer to consumer. 20th IAPRI World Packaging Conference. Sao Paulo, Brazil. 12-15 June 2016.
- Mattsson L, Williams H. Potential of reducing fresh fruit and vegetables waste at retailer- A case study at three retailers in Sweden. 2nd International Conference on Global Food Security, 11-14 October 2015, Ithaca, New York, USA
- Verghese K, Lockrey S, Rio M, Dwyer M, Williams H, Crossin E, Elliot A. 2014. Resource efficiency in the food manufacturing sector: DIRECT, a co-designed online tool. Total Food Conference. Norwich 11-13 November 2014.
- Williams H, Verghese K, Lockrey S, Morgan M. 2014. Household practices relating to purchase, storage, preparation and disposal of food within three different suburbs in Banyule municipality, Victoria, Australia. Total Food Conference. Norwich 11-13 November 2014.
- Verghese K, Crossin E, Clune S, Lockrey S, Williams H, Rio M, Wikström F. 2014. The greenhouse gas profile of a “Hungry Planet”; quantifying the impacts of the weekly food purchases including associated packaging and food waste of three families. 19th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging. Melbourne. 15-18 June 2014.
- Williams 2013. Global market trends and how packaging can support for reducing food waste. Workshop on Research on Food Waste Prevention, Oslo 19 November 2013
- Wikström, F. Packbridge conference ”Packbridge efter 3: Förpackningen – en nyckelaktör i debatten om livsmedelsspill” Gothenburg. 2013-02-14 (intended for companies)
- Lindh H, Olsson A, Williams H. 2012. Consumer perceptions of sustainable packaging-Limited by lack of knowledge? Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference, Lund, Sweden. November 8, 2012
- Wikström, Williams, Verghese, Clune. 2012. The influence of packaging on consumer behaviour in food-packaging LCA studies – a neglected topic. 8th International Conference on LCA in the Agri-Food Sector, Rennes, France, 2-4 October 2012
- Nilsson F., Olsson, A., and Wikström F. 2011. “Toward sustainable goods flows – a framework from a packaging perspective. Conference Proceedings, peer reviewed conference NOFOMA, Norway 2011
- Williams, H. Panel discussion at Studio Pacsem - with a focus on CSR, sustainability and future. Conference in Gothenburg 30 November 2011.
- Wikström F. Packbridge conference ”Livsmedel” Lund. 2011-06-08 (intended for companies)
- Wikström F. Packbridge conference ”Hållbar förpackningsutveckling” Lund. 2010-06-15 (intended for companies)
- Williams, H. Packaging from an environmental and business perspective, Food Packaging Conference in Helsingborg, Sweden 19 May 2010.
- Wikström, F. EU-conference ”Climate smart food”, Lund, 2009-09-24
- Williams, H, Wikström F. From sustainable packaging to packaging for sustainable development. Sustainable Packaging Innovation & Design. E.N.G.’s 5th senior executive summit. Brussels, Belgium 23-25 March 2009.
- Williams, H. Packaging Development and Environmental Effects of Food Losses. The Tokyo International Packaging Symposium, Tokyo, Japan. 8 October 2008.
- Williams, H. Packaging and losses of food. Nordic Council of Ministers´ Meeting, Växjö, Sweden. 25 June 2008.
- Williams, H., Wikstrom, F, Life cycle perspectives on environmental effects of Food Losses and packaging development. Bridging the gap from words to deeds poster, May 2008