Career paths
With 1 200 staff members, Karlstad University is one of the largest regional employers. Many different professionals work together and there are different career paths available, as well as opportunities for development in research, education and support services.

Doctoral students
There are as many reasons to do research as there are researchers, but most researchers share a thirst for knowledge. Doctoral students at Karlstad University gain the skills needed to work as researchers or teachers at higher education institutions. Doctoral studies also prepare graduates for careers in business or the public sector.
Doctoral programmes involve four years of full-time study. Much of the time is spent conducting a large research project, but most doctoral students also teach at undergraduate level.
Research and teaching staff
Competent, inspiring teachers who challenge our students are our greatest pedagogical assets. In order to highlight teaching expertise and to create clear career paths, Karlstad University has introduced a qualification model allowing teachers to apply to be formally recognised as merited/excellent lecturers. A merit-based salary increment is also paid to recognised teachers.
Another teaching strength is close ties to research – our researchers also teach. The university’s Pedagogical Development Unit provides active professional support in enhancing the quality of teaching and assessment formats.
Technical and administrative staff
Karlstad University is a large regional employer of professionals in the areas of IT, HR, communications, premises, budgeting, finance, conferences, etc.
In order to enjoy working here, you need to be curious about and involved in your area of expertise, because current research and development form part of everyday activities. The university’s core activities are multidimensional and place high demands on all support services. Your need to be able to work creatively and flexibly. In return, you form part of a lively workplace where you are always close to new knowledge.