FAQ - digital examination
Frequently asked questions regarding digital examination.
Do I have to sign up for a digital exam in advance?
Yes. You must always register for an exam in advance. You register for a digital exam via “My Ladok”, just like with a “regular” written exam. Pay attention to when the last registration date is.
Do I need an anonymity code?
A digital exam is performed anonymously with the same security as a “regular” written exam. Inspera, the system used for digital exam, uses your anonymity code you receive when you register for the exam. You don’t need to know this code, the system takes care of it.
Can I try the Inspera system before the exam?
You can do a Demo-exam before your exam if you want, just to see how the system looks like. You will find these when you log in to Inspera.
How do I prepare my computer?
Follow the installation guide when you do the demo-exam or here. A recommendation is also to do a restart of your computer the day before an exam if there is any updates.
I don’t own a laptop. Can I still do the exam?
Prior to your exam you have the opportunity to book a loan computer. However, the number of computers is limited and therefore we want your application at least 8 days before the exam. To book a computer, please fill out this form.
What will I do if my computer crashes the day before my digital exam?
In addition to our loan computers, we also provide some backup computers. These are used if technical problems occur before or during the exam. You need to know your credentials, usernamne and password, for using a loan computer.
Does Inspera provide extended deadline?
Individual end-time settings can be made in Inspera. The application procedure for examination adjustments, such as extended deadline, is the same as for “regular” written exams. You will find more information here.
During the exam
Do I need to bring my photo-ID to the exam hall?
Yes. Valid ID is required for all exams.
Can I bring food and drinks to a digital exam?
Yes, you can. But to avoid allergic reactions, make sure not to bring nuts to the exam hall.
Does the 45 minute-rule apply on a digital exam?
Yes. The same rules apply as on a “regular” exam.
Will there be scribbling paper available?
If scribbling paper is an allowed aid to your exam, it will be available to you in the examination hall. But you need to bring your own pen.
Which aids are allowed?
Information about potential aids is provided by your teacher before the examination. The invigilators will repeat the information in the exam hall.
Can I use a search engine while doing the exam?
No. The computer you use for the exam must have a browser called Safe Exam Browser installed. The browser locks your computer, which means you only have access to the exam.
Do I have to close all tabs on my computer before I start the exam?
Yes, it is recommended to ensure the computer’s capacity. You need to close other running programs on your computer. If you have Teamviewer installed on your computer, you need to uninstall it to be able to take your exam. If you use Steam on your computer, please make sure to end that process before your exam.
Do I need to save my answers manually or do Inspera save it for me?
As long as you are connected to the network, Inspera automatically save your answers. If you loose connection to the network, you will get information from the system.
What happens if I lose my connection to the network during the exam?
Inspera alerts you by showing a box at the top of the exam page. When your computer regains connection to the network Inspera automatically saves everything you wrote during the interruption.
What happens if my computer crashes? Is it possible to re-enter the exam?
If your computer crashes during the exam you will be offered to borrow a backup computer, and you can re-enter your exam. Raise your hand as soon as a problem arises, and an invigilator will help you. Please remember that you will need your KauID to use a loan computer.
Can I undo if I accidentally press “submit”?
No, you can’t undo handing in your exam. However, you need help from the invigilator to submit your answers, so you can’t do it by mistake. Raise your hand when you are finished and someone will help you.
After the exam
Where will my test result be published?
When your teacher is done with the assessment, your result will be published in Ladok. You can log in to Inspera where you will find your answers, points and comments.
Where can I find more information about digital examination?
If you don’t find your answers here or in this FAQ, you are welcome to contact tenta@kau.se.