During the spring, we will invite you to three SOL seminarst. The discussions will normally be held in Swedish. Visit the Swedish page for more information.
28 feb, kl. 13–15, sal 3D 512a och Zoom
3 apr, kl. 13–15, sal 3D 512a och Zoom
15 maj, kl. 13–15, sal 3D 512a och Zoom
1. (In Swedish) Skolchef Jenny Dahlin presenterar sin masteruppsats Rektorers yrkesskicklighet: Förståelse av begreppet rektorers yrkesskicklighet ur ett huvudmannaperspektiv.
2. (In English at about 14 pm, contact us if you would like to join online) Dr Leanne Gibbs, Charles Sturt University, Australien pratar över ämnet Cultivating Leadership in Early Childhood Education: Trouble, Complexity and Promise, och skriver "In this presentation I explore the phenomena of leadership emergence and development in early childhood education and leaders' unique dispositions. I aim to disrupt thinking on persistent issues and challenges in leadership conceptualisation and development".
Please visit the page Projects (link in menu) where you can take part in ongoing research within SOL. We continuously add new information and contact information if you want to know more.
On the page Publications (link in menu) you can find articles, dissertations and literature published by SOL researchers. This page is also updated continuously.
SOL: School Development, Organization and Leadership
Sign up for the mailing list for further information and Zoom links (email Ann-Britt or Thomas)