Technology didactics
Learning to weld in vocational education
Contact person: Nina Kilbrink
Other researchers: Stig-Börje Asplund and Jan Axelsson
Brief description of the research:
This study focuses learning processes involved when a vocational teacher and upper secondary students interact with tools and materials in relation to the object of learning to weld. We combine two different perspectives in the project; conversation analysis (CA) and variation theory analysis (VTA). The study is a collaborative project between a vocational teacher and two researchers from the university and funded by the Swedish Institute for Educational Research.
Models and modeling with digital tools in technology education for gifted students
Contact person: Helen Brink
Other researchers: Jorryt van Bommel and Nina Kilbrink
Brief description of the research:
The project is part of the Gifted Education Doctoral program. The project studies the needs of specially gifted students in technology education. A framework is developed to describe the needs and how these needs can be met. A particular focus is directed towards teaching linked to models and modeling.
Teacher's use of informal learning environments in the form of makerspaces and fablabs to develop STEM skills and important skills for the future (21st century skills)
Contact person: Susanne Walan
Other researchers: Niklas Gericke, Jelle Boeve-de Pauw
Brief description of the research:
The project is part of a European collaboration project called ARTIFEX ( In the research project it iw investigated which competences teachers develop when they use digital tools in informal learning environments such as makerspaces and fablabs.
The IR camera as a digital tool in preschool
Contact person: Jeanni Flognman
Other researchers: Jesper Haglund and Lovisa Skånfors
Brief description of the research:
In her licentiate project within the graduate school FontD, Jeanni Flognman studies how preschool children approach the IR camera as a digital tool, use it as a technology to understand heat as a phenomena, and find creative ways of incorporating it in their play.
Transfer of learning in technical vocational education
Contact person: Nina Kilbrink
Other researchers: Collaborations with researchers from Sweden and Utrecht University of Applied Science
Brief description of the research:
Research on teaching and learning in technical vocational education, with a specific focus on transfer and the connection between school and workplace learning in vocational education.
Vocational learning in technical vocational programmes
Contact person: Nina Kilbrink
Other researchers: Stig-Börje Asplund and Hamid Asghari
Brief description of the research:
In the project, focus is on studying vocational learning from different perspectives. In order to enhance the knowledge of vocational learning, we combine two different perspectives in the project; conversation analysis (CA) and variation theory analysis (VTA). CA can help us understand the aspect of how learning is done in interaction and VTA can highlight the aspect of what is learned. The project is funded by The Swedish Research Council.