NVIVO - advanced workshops
The advanced Nvivo workshops presupposes a general understanding of the software. More specifically participants should be familiar with how to set up projects in Nvivo, how to import data, how to use different basic features such as memos, maps and folders, as well as understand the basics of how to work with coding and cases. All of this is covered in the introductory workshops. Additionally, the advanced workshops may also require a coded dataset. The best such dataset would be the participants own research.
Workshop 1: Exploring, visualizing and querying data
In this workshop we focus on how to explore data in Nvivo in terms of visualizing it through various diagrams and figures as well as in terms of utilizing so called queries. In other words, the workshop aims to show a number of features available in Nvivo that helps to perform certain kinds of analyses. For example, we show how to work with coding queries where we can ‘cut through’ and ‘across’ a coded dataset by combining codes, cases and sources. Similarly, we show how to work with text searches, generate word trees, word counts and word clouds. Finally, we also show the different available options to produce diagrams and visual representations of your analysis.
Participants will benefit greatly from working with their own coded dataset. If no such dataset is available it is possible to sit in and follow the illustrations and application, however, the hands on experience will be lost.
DATE & TIME: Monday March 18, 10.00-12.00
PLACE: 1E424 (seating is limited and pre-registration is required)
The workshops are led by Andreas Öjehag, senior lecturer in Political Science.
Practical information about the sessions
It is required that you have the NVivo program installed when you attend the course. If you have a computer provided by KAU you install the program through Software Center (Win) or through the application Self Service (Mac).
The workshops are open for PhD students and researchers at Karlstad University.
Pre-registration is required.
More information and registration: asa.moller@kau.se