Step 2: Find your funder
Generally speaking most funders do what they can to communicate what type of research they will support. Do your homework to try to understand if your idea is in line with what funders look for. For example if the funder is targeting fundamental research or applied research, particular discipline(s), societal challenge(s) or demands on partnerships. Below you will find short information and links to a selection of funders.
Some funders and organisations place a limit on the number or type of proposals that may be submitted. Funders may also require a signature/support letter from the Vice-Chancellor. Read more in the section " Internal procedures for specific funders".

Funders (a selection)
The list provides links to the websites of individual funders, where further information may be found about their particular areas of interest and the different types of funding that they offer.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry
The task of The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien) is, with the support of science and practical experience and in the interest of society, to promote agriculture and forestry and associated activities.
AFA Insurance
AFA Insurance supports research and development in the field of work and health. Annually, approximately SEK 150 million is invested in research, development and knowledge communication in the private sector, municipalities and county councils. We provide funding for independent projects or projects that are included in the announcement of R & D programs in the field of work and health. Relevance, scientific quality and expected practical usefulness are important criteria when assessing which projects will receive funding.
The Ander Foundation
The Ander Foundation (Anne-Marie och Gustaf Anders Stiftelse för mediaforskning) aims to promote scientific education and research in the media field. The foundation provides grants to individuals, research groups and institutions. Decisions are usually taken in March, May, October and December.
Bo Rydin Foundation for Scientific Research
The aim of the foundation is to promote research in the technical or natural sciences within SCA´s business areas. The foundation´s main activity is the provision of research grants. In addition, we offer travel grants for doctoral students who wish to participate in scientific conferences and we also awards grants for the best annual master´s thesis.
Swedish Energy Agency
The Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) supports research and innovation in the energy field. New technology and new innovations will contribute to meeting Sweden's energy and climate goals.
They support research in the areas identified in the Energy Research Strategies. They also provide support to young companies that develop new technologies with potential for commercialization.
EU funding programmes
The Swedish Research Council Formas is a national research council. Formas receives its financial allocation from the Ministry of the Environment and Energy and the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation. Formas, the Swedish research council for sustainable development, promotes and supports research within the areas Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning. The research comprises basic research, need-driven research and innovation. Application via Prisma.
The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare wants to provide funding for research, internationalisation and the exchange of knowledge. In total they distribute over 550 million SEK every year. Application via Prisma.
Kamprad Family Foundation
The purpose of the Kamprad Family Foundation is to support, stimulate and reward education and scientific research to promote entrepreneurship, the environment, competence, health and social improvement. It will focus specifically on implementing the results of the research and education to benefit the many people quickly and cost-efficiently.
The Knowledge Foundation
The Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen) funds research and competence development at Sweden’s new universities and university colleges with the purpose of strengthening Sweden’s competitiveness.
Announcements take place twice a year. Based on the objective that the higher education institutions should be able to build internationally competitive knowledge environments and work with strategic profiling, an internal process is required at the applicant's higher education institution regarding which applications are prioritized. Applications to the Knowledge Foundation should always be signed by the Vice-Chancellor.
The Lars Erik Lundberg Foundation for Research and Education
For academic research and studies in the fields of national economics, business economics, and technology.
Mistra invests in research aimed at solving key environmental problems and promoting Sweden’s future competitiveness. Mistra’s research programmes are conducted in a close dialogue with companies, public agencies and other users, to ensure that research findings are put to practical use.
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) is an independent foundation with the goal of promoting and supporting research in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Grants for programmes, projects and infrastructure are announced once a year in coordinated application calls. Grants for research initiation, usually in the form of conferences and academic networks, may be applied for at any time.
Sida, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, is a government agency working on behalf of the Swedish parliament and government, with the mission to reduce poverty in the world. Through our work and in cooperation with others, we contribute to implementing Sweden’s Policy for Global Development (PGU).
STINT, The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation and Research and Higher Education, promotes knowledge and competence development within internationalisation and invests in internationalisation projects proposed by researchers, educators and leaderships at Swedish universities. Their mission is to encourage renewal within internationalisation through new collaboration forms and new partners. For example, they invests in young researchers’ and teachers’ international collaborations. Moreover, STINT’s ambition is to be a pioneer in establishing strategic cooperation with emerging countries in research and higher education.
Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society
Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor) is distributing funds to the civil society in the form of support for organisations, projects and international cooperation. All the support they distribute is given on behalf of the Swedish government. Application via a portal, contact person: Lotta Utterberg, Grants and Innovation Office.
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) is a public agency in Sweden that is responsible for environmental issues. The Agency carries out assignments on behalf of the Swedish Government relating to the environment in Sweden, the EU and internationally. Application via Prisma.
Swedish National Board of Institutional Care
The Swedish National Board of Institutional Care (Statens institutionsstyrelse, or SiS) is an independent Swedish government agency that delivers individually tailored compulsory care for young people with psychosocial problems and for adults with substance abuse. SiS initiates and funds independent research closely linked to its work.
Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien) is an independent, non- governmental organisation with a charter that, in its first article, defines its function as promoting the sciences and strengthening their influence in society. The Academy promotes science of the highest quality by fostering development and innovation in Swedish research. It enhances the status of science in society by drawing attention to key social issues, examining them in scientific terms and communicating the results, and joins in cooperation on global issues, with the aim of being an international scientific proponent of sustainable development.
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (Stiftelsen för strategisk forskning, SSF) awards grants to strategic research in science, engineering and medicine. The goal is that the research should ultimately be of benefit to Swedish industry and society.
Swedish National Space Agency
The Swedish National Space Agency, SNSA, is a central governmental agency under the Ministry of Education and Research. SNSA is responsible for national and international activities relating to space and remote sensing, primarily research and development. Application via Prisma.
Swedish Research Council
The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) is a public agency under the authority of the Ministry of Education and Research. The Swedish Research Council has a leading role in developing Swedish research of the highest scientific quality, thereby contributing to the development of society. Application via Prisma.
Torsten Söderberg Foundation
Torsten Söderberg Foundation enables research initiatives and individual projects in medicine, economics, law and other fields (often related to Social Sciences).
Vinnova is Sweden’s innovation agency. The mission is to promote sustainable growth by improving the conditions for innovation, as well as funding needs-driven research. Vinnova develops a number of programmes and activities within strategic areas. Some programmes are funded and staffed by Vinnova alone, while others are carried out in partnership with other organisations in Sweden or abroad. Most programmes involve active cooperation between the private business sector, universities and/or research institutes as well as the public sector. Some of the programmes are open to international and bilateral collaborations.
The Wallenberg Foundations are the charitable foundations established by members of the Wallenberg family.
Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse
The Foundation supports long-term, free basic research beneficial to Sweden, mainly in medicine, technology, and the natural sciences. This is achieved through long-term grants to excellent researchers and to projects. The Foundation can also initiate grants to strategic projects and scholarship programs. Applications to the foundation requires an internal priority at Karlstad University and a letter of support from the Vice-Chancellor.
Marianne och Marcus Wallenbergs Stiftelse
The Foundation mainly supports research projects and education related to the social sciences.
Awards grants within the following areas:
- Research projects with high scientific potential
- Individual grants for outstanding researchers through the Foundation’s programs
Applications to the foundation requires an internal priority at Karlstad University and a letter of support from the Vice-Chancellor.
Stiftelsen Marcus och Amalia Wallenbergs Minnesfond
The Foundation mainly supports research projects and education related to the humanities and learning.
Awards grants within the following areas:
- Research projects with high scientific potential; researcher-initiated projects of the highest international standards focusing on a coherent scientific issue.
In addition, the Foundation supports children and youth projects run by established non-profit national organizations, academies, museums and universities.
Applications to the foundation requires an internal priority at Karlstad University and a letter of support from the Vice-Chancellor.
Wettergren Foundation
The Wettergren Foundation supports, primarily, education and research related to Värmland. The Board makes decisions on contributions twice a year, usually in April and November. Applications to the Wettergren Foundation must be signed by the Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
The ÅForsk Foundation
ÅForsk's assets consist mainly of shares in AB ÅF, which is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Return on the assets can be used for three different activities within the objectives of the foundation: research grants, travel grants and prizes for the successful dissemination of technology. ÅForsk has the objective to promote research primarily in its purpose areas: Energy, Environment, Safety & Sustainability, Infrastructure, Materials, Processes and products from renewable sources.