Checklist Pre-Award
The information below is designed to provide a summary of the pre-award process. Detailed guidelines for each step of the proposal development and submission process are provided in the Research Handbook.
To promote the success of the proposal and to fulfill the rules and regulations at the University, please make sure to:
- Check that you are eligible to apply for the identified funding opportunity.
- Inform the head of department about the proposed research project and the funding opportunity.
- Take an early contact with the financial officer at your department to draft a project budget. Please note that Stage 1 applications and participation in other universities’ proposals also requires a budget.
- It is recommended to contact the research advisors at the Grants and Innovation Office for support during the proposal-writing process.
- Consider costs for Open Access publications. Contact the support at the Library for advice.
- Consider costs for Research Communication and public engagement. Contact the Communications Office.
- Consider any intellectual property rights (IPR) that need to be addressed within the proposal. Contact the innovation advisors at the Grants and Innovation Office for support.
- If required for the proposal, outline and collect Letters of Intent or Support Letters. Contact the head of department, dean or the Grants and Innovation Office for support.
- Ensure peer-review of your proposal.
- If there is a need for translation or language review of texts, contact the English Department. More information can be found in section 3, "Develop your proposal".
- Plan resources for the project and possible recruitment. Contact the head of department and HR-specialist, if recruitment is needed.
- Remember to make a risk assessment if you plan to invest in a database, instruments or other equipment. Contact the safety representative or the information security officer for advice.
- All proposals must be accompanied by a completed Form for External Funding. The Form for External Funding must be signed according to the Karlstad University Delegation of Authority and can be found in section 4, ”Submitting your proposal”.
- If required, schedule a slot at a Vice-Chancellor’s decision meeting and check which documents are required to be submitted before attending the meeting. Contact the Vice-Chancellor’s secretary.
- Send relevant documents linked to the project to the registrar, eg.
- application
- Form for External Funding
- budget
- agreements with project partners
- data management plan.