Checklist post-award
The information below is designed to provide a summary of the post-award process. Detailed guidelines for each step of the process are provided in the Research Handbook.

Project manager responsibilities
It is essential that you as project manager read and understand the terms and conditions associated with the funding. The project manager is accountable to the head of department, dean and the vice-chancellor that the funder's requirements are met. Please note that if you are the main Karlstad University participant in a project administered by another organisation or university, you assume the responsibility of a project manager.
Upon approval of the research project:
- Send the decision (original) from the funder to the registrar. Decisions for award projects will be sent as information to the responsible financial officer.
- Inform your colleagues about your success.
- Take an early contact with the financial officer to book a start-up meeting to plan the project budget. Any changes in the project budget that arise due to changes in the funding from the financier must be approved by the responsible person in accordance with the Karlstad University Delegation of Authority.
- Communicate your success! Make a communication plan. Contact the faculty communicator for support.
- It is recommended to develop a data management plan for the project. Contact the research data group for support.
- If applicable, initiate the process for setting up agreements with project partners. Contact the legal counsel for support.
- Define resources for the project and possible recruitment. Contact the head of department and HR-specialist, if recruitment is needed.
- Plan administrative resources for the project. Contact the faculty office.
- If applicable, consider purchasing procedures. Contact the procurement unit.
- Ensure ethics review of the project. Contact the research ethics advisor for support.
- Send relevant documents linked to the project to the registrar, for example:
- signed agreement (the original) with the funder
- agreements with project partners
- any application and decision on research ethics
- data management plan.
During the project:
This is exciting times for everyone involved. The research project can actually start!
For you as a project manager this involves many tasks eg. planning, monitoring activities, managing funds and reporting. It is essential for the project manager to understand and fulfill the requirements of the funder and act in compliance with the regulations and policies of the University. This will protect you from potential problems with funders or collaborators. Failure to meet the requirements of the funding body can lead to penalties and affect the relationship with the funder.
- Monitor and perform research activities, and update the project plan accordingly.
- Ensure proper use of funds and manage changes in the use of your awarded funding. Conduct regular follow up with the financial officer.
- Complete and submit required reports, both scientific and financial, to the funder.
- Check compliance with funder’s open access requirements. Contact the publishing support at the Library.
- Keep the head of department, the HR-specialist and the financial officer informed about:
- employment contracts to be extended or ended, at least two months in advance.
- absences on the project (e.g. parental leave, or extended sickness).
- Send relevant documents to the registrar, for example:
- project reports, both scientific and financial
- agreement changes
- budget changes
- updates to the data management plan.
Closure of project:
Project closeout is a critical component of all research projects. If it is done well, closeout can provide the platform for future research projects and research funding, but if done poorly it can potentially make it difficult to gain future funding for the individual and the organisation or have other negative consequences.
- Communicate your findings in the appropriate channels.
- Contact the financial officer to go over and close the project’s financial report.
- Complete and submit required final reports to funder, both scientific and financial.
- Sort /screen and archive your research data.
- Send relevant documents to the registrar:
- final reports, both scientific and financial.