PVcheck - check your solar cell system
The software PVCheck for Windows was developed at Karlstad University to give users of photovoltaic (PV) systems an easy tool to check their system performance.
Having a photovoltaic (PV) system raises the question of whether it runs as expected. Measuring its energy yield takes a long time and the result still contains uncertainties from varying weather conditions and possible shading of the modules.
The free software PVcheck can measure the peak power of the system, using the power data of a single sunny day. The software loads a data file of the generated power as a function of time from this day. This data file is provided by typical inverters. The software then simulates this power curve using known parameters like angle and location of the PV system. The assumed peak power of the simulation can then be adjusted so that the simulated curve matches the measured one.
The software runs under Microsoft Windows™ and makes use of the free library pvlib python. The simulation can be refined by importing weather data like temperature, wind speed, and insolation, e. g. from SMHI.
This software is free of charge. Download it here: https://pvcheck.hotell.kau.se/
Energies 2021, 14, 6757. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14206757
The software was developed within the project "Solar Värmland", funded by Region Värmland and Tillväxtverket, which is gratefully acknowledged.