Doctoral dissertations and licentiate thesis

Doctoral dissertations in nursing
- When a parent is affected by a life-threatening illness: Exploring children’s and parents’ needs for support, 2023:24, Emily Beatrice Bergersen
- Prehospital nurses’ professional competence – utilization and development, 2023:5, Jörgen Jansson
- Missed nursing care – Perceptions from care staff and first line managers within municipal health care for older people, 2023:4, Ingrid Andersson
- Patient safety in intrapartum care: Adverse events and healthcare professionals’ perceptions of patient safety, patient safety culture and teamwork 2022:6, Annika Skoogh
- Sexual health and sexual health promotion in the transition from adolesence to emerging adulthood, 2020:27, Brian Unis
- Newly graduated registered nurses’ clinical competence, work situations, and professional development working in acute care hospital settings, 2020:25, Anna Willman
- Mental health problems among adolescents: Public health nurses' work and interprofessional collaboration within the school health service, 2019:24, Marie Dahlen Granrud
- Oral care quality in intensive care units and short-term care units: Nursing staff and older people's perspectives 2019:14, Maria Andersson
- Operationssjuksköterskans vårdande och kompetens inom perioperativ vård 2019:6, Ann-Catrin Blomberg
- Measuring health literacy - evaluating psychometric properties of the HLS-EU-Q47 and the FCCHL, suggesting instrument refinements and exploring health literacy in people with type 2 diabetes and in the general Norwegian population 2018:15, Hanne Søberg Finbråten
- Prolonged latent phase of labour: prevalence, labour outcomes, quality of care, women's experiences and preferences and psychometric properties of a questionnaire 2018:49, Karin Ängeby
- Understanding the meaning of autonomy 2017, Angelica Fredholm
- Simulering som lärande inom prehospital akutsjukvård 2017:13, Anna Abelsson
- Quality in palliative care from the patient perspective. Instrument development, perceptions of actual care and the importance of care 2016:48, Tuva Sandsdalen
- Everyday life of relatives of persons suffering from severe depression, experiences of health, burden, sense of coherence and encounters with psychiatric specialist health services 2015:29 Hege Kletthagen
- Patient safety culture in hospital sttings; measurements, health care staff perceptions and suggestions for improvement 2015:20, Anna Nordin
- Simulation used as a learning approach in nurse education. Students´experiences and validation of evaluation questionnaires 2015:1, Randi Tosterud
- Sexuality in patients treated for hematologic malignancies Problems and the need for support from patients`and nurses´perspectives 2014:28, Cecilia Olsson
- Everyday life in families with a child with ADHD and public health nurses´conceptions of their role" 2014:9, Öyfrid Larsen Moen
- Mental Distress and Psychotropic Drug Use among Young People, and Public Helath Nurses`Conceptions of Their Roles 2014:2, Anne Kjersti Myhrene Steffenak
- Building patient safety in intensive care nursing - Patient safety culture, team performance and simulation - based training, 2013:46, Randi Ballangrud
- Patient participation in everyday life in special care units for persons with dementia 2013:43, Ann Karin Helgesen
- Sjuksköterskor som patienters företrädare - Med huvudsakligt fokus på företrädarskap för äldre patienter i kommunal hälso - och sjukvård, 2013:2, Anna Josse Eklund
- Experiences and Nursing Support of Relatives of Persons with Severe Mental Illness 2012:7, Bente M. Weimand
- Patients´ perceptions of actual care conditions and patient satisfaction with care quality in hospital 2012:2, Vigdis Abahamsen Gröndahl
- Health and quality of care from older peoples´ and formal caregivers´ perspective 2011:63, Ingrid From
- Newly graduated nurses perception of competence, critical thinking and research utilization 2010:24, Sigrid Wangensteen
- Home enteral tube feeding - from patients`, relatives` and nurses` perspectives 2010:26, Kaisa Bjuresäter.
- De kan de vill och de orkar, men…..Studier av närstående till personer drabbade av stroke samt granskning av informationsmaterial från svenska strokeenheter 2009, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson
- En hälso- och sjukvårdsorganisation i förändring – från distanserat till delat ledarskap, No. 5, 2008, Kristina Rosengren
- Nutritional nursing care – Nurses interactions with the patient, the team and the organization 2008:41, Mona Wentzel Persenius
- Vara steget före – Bedömning av patienters smärta, näringstillstånd och hudkostym 2008:39, Carina Bååth
- Tactile tough in intensive care - Nurses´preparation, patients´experiences and the effeckt on stress parameters, 2008, Maria Henricson
- Eating problems in patients with head and neck cancer treated with radiotherapy – needs, problems and support during the trajectory of care 2006:7, Maria Larsson
- WHO:s rekommendationer för vård vid normal förlossning – Instrumentutveckling, barnmorskors dokumenterade vård och kvinnors uppfattningar 2006:14, Ann-Kristin Sandin-Bojö
- Care and treatment of women with inflammatory symptoms of the breast during lactation 2006:28, Linda J. Kvist
- Nursing care for patients on the edge of life –Nurses´experiences related to witholding or withdrawing curative treatment, in the contexts of ICU and nursing home 2007:33, Reidun Hov
- Den professionella sjuksköterskan – i relation till den akademiska sjuksköterskeutbildningen 2005:57, Monica Björkström
Licentiate thesis in nursing
- Exploring symptom clusters in patients with lung cancer, 2024:4, Katarina Karlsson
- Att vårda patienten inom operationsvård, 2014:3, Ann-Catrin Blomberg
- Akademisering av specialistsjuksköterskans utbildning i Sverige 2012:56, Lena German Millberg
- Bevarad värdighet vid vård av äldre personer på äldreboende 2009:57, Patrice Anderberg
- Experiences of health and care when being old and dependent on community care 2007:50, Ingrid From