About nursing education
As a nurse, you have a vital role in the healthcare system, where you help people to improve their health. You meet people of all ages, in all stages of life. Our degree programmes provide the professional knowledge and expertise needed to care for people in need of health care.

Karlstad University provides the Study Programme in Nursing, where you receive both theoretical studies and practical studies, both on campus and through practical placements. In the Clinical Training Centre (KTC) on campus, you can perform practical exercises and practice collaboration, communication and leadership. You also receive further practical experience during the supervised practical placements (VFU), which comprise a total of 32 weeks during the programme. For those who want to spread their wings even further, we offer the possibility of practical placements abroad.
As a Registered Nurse, you can work in various areas. There are many exciting positions where you can make a difference.
For those who have a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing
When you have finished the nursing programme, you have a professional qualification with a bachelor’s degree, which means you can pursue further studies to become a specialist nurse. Karlstad University offers several specialisations leading to a combination of professional qualification and master’s degree:
- Study Programme for Specialist Nursing in Pre-Hospital Emergency Care
- Nursing Specialisation: Public Health Care
- Nursing Specialisation: Intensive Care
- Specialist Nursing — Theatre Care
If you want to pursue further studies, you can aim for a master’s degree in health science, with a specialisation in nursing. This will also make you eligible for doctoral studies, resulting in a Degree of Doctor or a Degree of Licentiate.
The subject also offers freestanding courses for health care professionals, such as supervision training.
For employers
The discipline of Nursing has a good track record of conducting contact education based on the specific needs of the clients. Such courses can be held on campus, at the client's facilities or as distance education.
We invite you to study nursing at Karlstad University!