Find full text articles
Check for full text:
In our databases, OneSearch etc. a KAU Link icon will display. After you have searched for an article you can use this icon to open up our link resolver to check if the library subscribes to the full text of the article. If you can access full text a link to the source will display.
No full text available
If no full text link displays or the available link directs you to a site where a password is required, that usually means that the library do not have a subscription. But sometimes it can be good to check the journal list as well for alternative options.
Search the Journal list
Search the Journal list, Publication Finder, to find out if the library subscribes to a certain journal.
To find a journal article you need to know:
Journal |
in what journal is the article published |
Is the journal accessible on the library? |
Search the Journal list to see if the library provides access to the journal. N.B. Search the Journal name, not the article title. |
The journal is available in full text |
Display |
To display the full text...
Print journals |
The journal is available in print format |
One option is "Karlstads UB - print journals" which means the library subscribes to a printed version of the journal. The available volumes are listed followed by the shelf location (in Swedish) - Tidskrifter på Plan 1 = Journals Floor 1. |
Copy the article |
Off campus students |
Article copy |
The library do not subscribe to the article. |
50:- |
If the library do not have a subscription to the journal or if the correct volume is not available, we can order an article copy from another library (inter library loans). |
Order |
Order article copies by filling out the form: |