Purchasing suggestions
We welcome purchasing suggestions from our users. Purchased printed books are usually available to be borrowed after about 14 days and ebooks within a week.
Please send an email with information about title, author, isbn, year etc. Also include if the title will be used on a course or not.

- Send a purchasing suggestion to forvarv@kau.se
Preview ebooks
A few of our ebooks portals offer previews of books not yet acquired and an option to request purchase. If we decide to acquire the book it usually takes less than a week to receive access to it.
Proquest Ebook Central
Ebooks available through ProQuest can be previewed on Ebook Central Preview. You will need to create a free account to be able to search. The preview will allow you to see table of contents, a short description and the type of available license.Please send an email to forvarv@kau.se to make a suggestion.