Fees and charges
Sometimes the library charges for late books as well as for ordered material. If you owe more than a certain amount you cannot borrow more books.
Fines for overdue items:
- Reserved books - SEK 20 per book and day
- DVDs - SEK 10 per DVD and day
- Course reference book not returned before kl. 23:59 the same day as the loan was issued: SEK 250 per day
Fines for overdue items are payable by card at the information desk.
Fines for lost items
Books that are not returned are recalled and an invoice will follow the third recall notice:
- SEK 700 (including an administrative fee of SEK 200)
- If the book is returned SEK 500 is written off, but the administrative fee of SEK 200 has to be paid
- A lost book may be replaced with a new copy, but the administrative fee of SEK 200 has to be paid.
Patrons who have a debt to the university library may be blocked from further loans. The block is lifted when the debt is paid. Unpaid invoices are sent to a collection agency.
Maximum fines
- The maximum fine for a late book is SEK 200
- The maximum fine for an invoiced, lost, or damaged book is SEK 700
- If you return more than one late book on the same occasion the maximum total fine is SEK 1 000
Interlibrary loans – borrowing material from other libraries
Copies of articles usually cost SEK 50 per article. No fee is charged for ordering books from Nordic libraries
- See the price list for other types of orders
Copies from microfilm or microfiche readers
- SEK 1 per copy
Fees are paid at the information desk
Copying and printing
Copying and printing at the University is paid from a personal account connected to your KauID. The fee varies depending on the type of printing.