Study Environment
In order to improve the learning environment in the library, we made a number of relocations and changes during autumn 2016.
The aim was to create learning environments better adapted to new technology and new teaching methods. Our purpose was to promote interaction and stimulate active learning by creating more group work spaces, but also to create better environments for individual studies.
We hope you enjoy your stay here!

Fiction literature is prominently positioned with inviting furniture
Environments for relaxation and study
We have welcoming lounge areas for informal meetings, informal talks and relaxation. There are study spaces for individual studies and height adjustable standing desks.

If you want to study a little more relaxed or just rest for a while, some Fatboys are available
Group work spaces
There are group work spaces and many study rooms and several group work desks have presentation screens.
Learning lab

Here you will find various study support activities; mostly held in Swedish.

Fiction literature is prominently positioned with inviting furniture