Activities Spring 2017
The schedule is continually updated and subject to change. Seminar materials are normally distributed via the KuFo and ISLI mailing lists. Anyone not reached by these lists should feel free to contact us.
Thu 12/1, 13.00-16.00, 12B545: KuFo workshop. Extra RJ application workshop. Participants should submit their texts to Maria no later than 12 noon on Mon 9/1.
Tue 24/1, 13.15-15, 3A340: PhD seminar. Theory seminar on a text chosen by Kari Løvaas. No assigned reader.
Wed 25/1, 13.15-15, Minerva (12C608): Geomedia open lecture. KuFo guest professor Malte Hagener presents a talk entitled "Kubrick, Expo, the Beatles. The Intersection of Nation State and Avant-garde at the World Exposition in Montréal 1967".
Thu 26/1, 13.00-15, 12B545: English linguistics. Peter Wikström presents a draft article on "Twitter's affordances for animation of reported speech", a case study from his dissertation project.
Fri 3/2, 11.00-18.00, Minerva (12C608): KuFo & Geomedia. Ruptures and Relations: Workshop on media archeology, organized by Malte Hagener, John Lynch, and Theo Röhle. More information here.
Tue 14/2, 13.15-15, 3A340: PhD seminar. Text by Fredrik Svensson, discussant Alexander Kofod-Jensen.
Wed 15/2, 9.15-14.00, 3A340: KuFo workshop. KuFo's senior researchers present and discuss ongoing research projects. Special focus on SRC (VR) applications.
Thu 16/2, 13.15-15.00, 12B545: English linguistics. There are two presentations in this seminar. The seminar starts at 13.15 with a presentation by Marie Källkvist (LU), Henrik Gyllstad (LU), Pia Sundqvist, and Erica Sandlund on their project Multilingual Spaces? Language Practices in English Classrooms: A Project Presentation [VR-UVK, Dnr 2016-03469], which was recently awarded funding from VR (UVK). At 14.00, Marie Källkvist presents her study Discursive Mechanisms and Human Agency in Language Policy Formation: the case of a Swedish university.
Tue 21/2, 13.15-15, 3A340: PhD seminar. Text by Sebastian Malinowski, discussant Peter Wikström.
Thu 23/2, 13.00-15, 3A340: CSL & KuFo. Seminar with professor Anders Öhman, Umeå university, based on his recent book Litteraturdidaktik, fiktioner och intriger (Gleerups, 2015).
Tue 14/3, 13.15-15, 3A340: PhD seminar. Text by Djamila Fatheddine, discussant Fredrik Svensson.
Tue 28/3, 13.15-15, 3A340: PhD seminar. Text by Kari Løvaas, discussant Andreas Nyström.
Wed 29/3, 9.15-15.00, 3A340: KuFo workshop. KuFo's senior researchers present and discuss ongoing research projects. Participants should submit their texts to Maria no later than 12 noon on Mon 20/3.
Tue 25/4, 13.15-15, Minerva: KuFo internationalization seminar. Seminar for PhD students and early career researchers on experiences of and issues relating to internationalization. Topics covered include stays at the British Library, Fulbright scholarships, and international postdoc applications.
Tue 2/5, 13.15-15, 3A340: PhD seminar. Text by Alexander Kofod-Jensen, discussant, Djamila Fatheddine.
Wed 3/5, 10.15-12, 3A340: KuFo. Seminar about publishing with Nadja Neumann.
9-12 May. Geomedia conference. More information here.
Fri 19/5, 10.00. Thesis spikning. Marinette Grimbeek nails her PhD dissertation to the board by the main entrance/university library, and at the department.
Tue 23/5, 13.15-15, 3A340: PhD seminar. Text by Peter Wikström, discussant Sebastian Malinowski.
Thu 1/6, 13.15-15, 12B545: English linguistics. Seminar with Pia Sundqvist.
Wed 7/6, 9.00-17.00, Gunnerud: KuFo workshop. KuFo's senior researchers present and discuss ongoing research projects. Participants should submit their texts to Maria no later than 12 noon on Mon 29/5.
Tue 13/6, 13.15-15, 3A340: PhD seminar. Text by Grace (Zhu Yuanyuan), discussant Kari Løvaas.
Fri 16/6, 10.15-12, 1B309 (Sjöströmsalen). Thesis defense. Marinette Grimbeek defends her thesis, entitled Margaret Atwood’s Environmentalism: Apocalypse and Satire in the MaddAddam Trilogy. Opponent Prof. Dr. Sylvia Mayer, Bayreuth University, Germany.