More-than-Human Studies Symposium
May 16-17, 2023, Humlan (12A225), Karlstad University
Register before May 9 by clicking on the following link: registration.
13.30-14.00 Welcome and introduction
14.00-14.45 Keynote: “Coyotes in Chicagoland: Narrative Encounters in the More-than-
Human City,” Babette B. Tischleder, University of Göttingen
14.45-15.15 Coffee break
15.15-15.45 “‘I live the City:’ Emerging Radical Kinship Connections in N.K. Jemisin’s The
City We Became,” Jenny Bonnevier, Örebro University
15.45-16.15 “On a Poetics of More-than-Human Relation in Claire of the Sea Light,” Julia
Wewior, University of Wuppertal
16.15-16.45 “‘A Frenzied Mob of Weed and Thorns:’ Resistant Flora in George Washington
Cable,” Phillip James Grider, University of Göttingen
16.45-17.00 Break
17.00-17.30 “Making Kin with Mushrooms,” Sofia Wijkmark, Karlstad University
17.30-18.00 “Science Fiction, Children and Interculturality,” Andreas Jacobsson, University
of Gothenburg
9.00-9.45 Keynote: “Human-Other Entanglements in Speculative Future Arctics,” Maria Lindgren Leavenworth, Umeå University
9.45-10.15 Coffee break
10.15-10.45 “The Ghostly Phenomenology of Avian Migration in Fred Bodsworth’s Last of
the Curlews,” Lisa Bölinger, University of Göttingen
10.45-11.15 “Transcending Conquistador Humanism: More-than-Human Entanglements in
Contemporary Caribbean Fiction,” Lea Espinoza Garrido, University of Wuppertal
11.15-11.45 “Dangerous Connections and Dissolving Boundaries in Daisy Hildyard’s The
Second Body and Emergency,” Marinette Grimbeek, Örebro University
11.45-12.15 “The Bacon Factory: On Animal Labor in Zoo Games,” Erik van Ooijen,
Karlstad University
The symposium is organized with financial support from Magnus Bergvalls Stiftelse.