Examination with inspiration from research.
2017-11-09As on a poster on a science conference. This is part of the examination task for the students on the course Advanced service management at the Karlstad Business school – and a way to use research methods in teaching.
It was the second year that the students got to work with content and modeling of posters, which were then exhibited in the Business school building, house 11. Techers, PhD students, and fellow students could all mingle and take part in the presentations together with the students of the course.
-At first it was a bit difficult, but very fun. It was also fun to take part in others work because you learned a lot from that, says Mikeala Stalén
Together with student colleague Erik Mellring and Moa Backteman she has designed a study to compare customers’ expectations when it comes to accommodations via Airbnb with traditional hotels. Are there any differences in the expectations and does one have for example a higher tolerance for any potential problems when you lease from a private person? In the examination task they have constructed the research question, connected to theory as well as modeled on how an examination would take place – an introduction to a thinkable project.
-This is a slightly different modeling than a traditional examination task, which challenges the students in multiple ways. The examination task also means that they really get to practice on how it is like to present your own work on a science conference, both format and content. This is a mixed group with both international and Swedish students as well as students from different majors and that is really exciting, says Carolina Camén, who is the head course teacher and responsible for the examination.
The course Advanced service management is about the development within service management research. In this course central concepts within the service management research are being discussed and analyzed, for example service, customer meeting, value creation, merchandise- and service logic as well as service innovations and how these concept are use within research and different operations. It comprises 15 hp, is a course on advanced level and is part of the Program in Business and Economics, as well as M.Sc. and master in service management and is taught in English. The course is also available for students who take master and M.Sc. in marketing and accounting and by students that take Industrial economy.