English for Specific Purposes
Karlstad University offers courses in English for Specific Purposes (ESP), with an emphasis on business and technical English. The ESP courses are available both to currently enrolled students and to those who are professionally active in the fields of business and science. The ESP courses are designed for economists, accountants, salespeople, estate agents, company leaders and others in the business sector and the world of commerce, as well as for engineers, scientists, technicians, mathematicians and others in the science sector.
Taking ESP courses is a good way to improve qualifications in a competitive market, where the demand for specialised language knowledge is increasing. The courses provide a broad base in proficiency and specialised skills in a certain field and are given both as evening and distance courses.
For more information, see the course descriptions:
English for Science and Technology I
English for Science and Technology II
English for Professional Purposes: Written Communication
English for Professional Purposes: Oral Communication
Applied Business Communications