Intelligent eleCtrical and REnewAble energy sysTEms

Since 2019, our mission is to develop education and research in the field of Intelligent Electrical Power, Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation Systems for engineers, scientists and technical scientists. We also aim to support the industry with knowledge, solutions and technologies for future business and products. By applying new enabling technologies from computer science, information systems and electronics, we intent to explore the theoretical and the technological limits of future electrical power systems to implement the rising electricity market, the uncoupling of generation, transmission and distribution networks for large-scale utilization of renewable and distributed energy resources in the smart grids concept.
Nowadays, several socioeconomic, environmental and technological reasons drive the necessity to change the energy production, delivery and utilization landscape to a more sustainable framework. Recent advancements on renewables energy resources and electrical power engineering technology, in combination to the most advanced achievements from computer science applications, information technology and communications, offer a breeding ground to develop and establish future and intelligent energy systems. In this field, the following research areas are covered:
- Microgrids and integration of distributed energy resources.
- Artificial intelligence and control for transactive microgrids
- Power systems transients
The research is related to education activities in the areas of electrical power and renewable energy sources and systems. A series of courses is available and is offered in the Electrical Engineering Bachelor program (TGHEL) as well as in other Bachelor and Master-Level Studies programs. All courses are also available as free-standing distant courses for students attending study programs offered by other Swedish Universities or other who are interested to further improve their skills and experience.
Student Project Information
LOKEN: Lokal energiledning Värmland, 2024-2026 | Karlstads universitet